Duiker Ridge

Location: Sandy Bay. OSM map

Overview: Follows a line all the way up the Western ridge of Karbonkelberg starting at the wreck of the Bos.

Route Description:

From the Sandy Bay parking area at the top of Helgarde Estate, follow the 'Rocket Road' until above an old concrete bunker building. Follow a sandy path thickly overgrown with bush down to about 50m above the coastline. The path improves at this point. Continue South to the wreck of the Crane ship with a few rock steps along the way and lovely views of the coast.

A short way beyond ascend the ridge through some Pine trees (which could disappear eventually). The main difficulty of the route is a series of rock terraces on the right hand side of the ridge, which need careful balance as some moves are over a drop.

Above this there are more short scramble sections until the top of the ridge flattens out. Meander over and through some deep clefts to open terrain. Here you can ascend the steep and strenuous slope up to Karbonkelnerg. If one keeps to the left on the skyline, one emerges into the WW2 bunkers, or go up to the right and come out at a shallow neck. Both are quite bushy.

About 200m after passing through the old WW2 radar station buildings, descend to the saddle and up and over to SutherPeak to pick up the descent path back to the Sandy Bay parking.

Alternatively, continue on down the old jeep track to Hout Bay (needs cars at both ends.).

MM Duiker Ridge
Duiker Ridge