Systemic Sclerosis

Definition: Autoimmune conditions associated with widespread fibrosis of organs, secondary to overproduction of collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins.

Epidemiology: 50 - 60 yo; f:m - 3:1

Clinical features:

    • Raynaud's phenomenon (vasospasm of arteries in hands in response to cold or emotional stress, resulting in discoloration of hands.

    • Thickened, tight skin

    • Dysphagia due to esophageal fibrosis

    • Renal artery fibrosis

    • Pulmonary HTN

    • Telangiectasia

    • Limited scleroderma (a.k.a CREST syndrome): Calcinosis cutis, Raynaud's phenomenon, Esophageal dysfx, Scelrodactyly, and Telangiectasia.

    • Diffsuse scleroderma: Widespread skin involvement, including pulmonary fibrosis resulting in pulmonary HTN, HTN, and renal involvement with oliguric crisis.

Lab: Abs: CREST: anticentromere-ab; diffuse Scleroderma: Anti-Scl70 (against DNA topoisomerase I), ANA, anemia, ESR elevation, reduced VC on PFT (restrictive lung disease).


    • Pencillamine - may inhibit collagen cross-linking

    • Captopril: controls renal HTN

    • CCB: diminishes Raynaud's phenomenon

    • Steroids - rarely effective. May cause renal crisis.