Preop Eval for Open heart surgery

Preop Eval for Open heart surgery

Height and weight


    • Cardiac: HTN, CAD, MIs, CHF, PTCA, and VHD.

    • Pulmonary: smoking, COPD, asthma, penumonia, intubations, and previous anesthesia, sleep apnea.

    • GI: PUD, jaundice, GIB, liver disease

    • Neurologic: TIA, stroke, CVA

    • PVD: PAD, CVI, DVTs, carotid a. dz, and vein stripping (alternative conduits)

    • Endocrine: DM, thyroid d/o, and adrenal insufficiency

    • Hematology: antiplatelet or anticoagulants, bleeding d/o like sickle cell, and previous blood transfusions.

    • Musculoskeletal: arthritis, Fx, back pain, gout, SLE, and rheumatologic d/o.

    • Nephrology: UTI, CKD, dialysis.

    • Urologic: incontinent, urinary obst, CA.

    • Dermatologic: skin rash, infections, decubiti.

    • Dental: carious, tooth abscess.

    • Allergies:

    • Meds: Plavix, coumadin, NSAIDs, chemotherapy, steroids

PMH: Prior CABG, PCI, PPM, AICD, syncope, cancer within 5 years (mediastinal radiation), IABP placement in past

PSH: smoking cigarettes or other tobacco use, illicit drugs, and alcohol consumption.

FH: CAD (males 55 years or less, women 65 years or less)

SH: smoking, alcohol, IVDA, caffeine, occupation, home situation, social support, ADL, IADL, advance directives, and disposition plans.


    • Skin inf/rash

    • Dental caries (valve surgery)

    • Vascular ex: carotid bruits, abdominal bruit, peripheral pulses

    • BP: differential arm pressures

    • Lungs:

    • Heart:

    • Ext:

    • Neuro:

    • Walking for 5 meters, thrice.


Carotid doppler



