Bleeding at line sites after procedures

    • Bleeding at central line sites is a common problem: CVC, arterial line, fem-sheath, IABP, PICC.

    • Consider oozing, coagulation d/o, antiplatelet and anticoagulation drugs as causes of bleeding.

    • Confirm bleeding does not extend into soft tissues of the neck, causing upper airway obstruction.

    • Under sterile conditions, remove the dressing and apply continuous pressure to the entry site for 15 minutes.

    • If bleeding has stopped, clean the site and apply occlusive dressing.

    • If bleeding has not stopped, suspect a coagulation d/o. A single suture may help provide hemostasis.

    • When bleeding occurs after catheterization, the cardiology fellow should be notified immediately.

      • Initial management can be occlusive pressure and sandbag.

      • Use a femstopper if the ICU has it.

    • Personal experience shows that manual pressure for at least half hour, will stop most of bleeding from line sites.

    • Consider CBC and coags (PTT, PT/INR) in case of protracted bleeding.