There are a few things to determine before performing the pulmonary function test: Variables

In interpreting PFTs first look at FVC to see if it is 80% or more of the predicted value.  

If the FVC is less than 80% then there is either restriction or obstruction with air trapping.

When considering severity of obstruction consider Gold Classification or Stages for COPD: I, II, III, and IV.  The parameter to consider here is only FEV1.  

Also when considering obstruction you need to assess for reactivity.  The ATS criteria for reactivity is FEV1 or FVC change in percentage of postbronchodilator to prebronchodilator greater than 12% and 200 mL.  If you do not have either of the two then it is a non-reactive airway.

DLCO: Whether or not if it is >80%.  

PFT profiles:

Interpretation: restrictive lung disease - extraparenchymal (obesity, kyphosis)

Interpretation: obstructive lung disease - COPD, emphysema

Interpretation: obstructive lung disease - asthma

Interpretation: restrictive lung disease - pulmonary fibrosis

DLCO: It provides an estimate of the rate at which O2 moves by diffusion from alveolar gas to combine with hemoglobin in the RBC.  It is interpreted as an index of the surface area engaged in alveolar-capillary diffusion.  Measurement of diffusing capacity of the lung is done by having the person inspire a low concentration of carbon monoxide.  The rate of uptake of the gas by the blood is calculated from the difference between the inspired and expired concentrations.  The test can be performed during a single 10 second breath holding or during 1 minute of steady-state breathing.  The diffusing capacity is defined as the amount of CO transferred per min/per mm Hg of driving pressure and correlates with oxygen transfer from the alveolus to the capillaries.

Preoperative Pulmonary Function Assessment

The objective is to establish that after surgical resection of the lung for a tumor, there will be sufficient pulmonary reserve to keep the patient comfortable, and will not become a respiratory cripple.

You should always evaluate the patient to determine whether he could withstand pneumonectomy even if radiologically only a lobectomy or limited resection is contemplated. On thoracotomy, a surgeon may be forced to do pneumonectomy because of an unexpected node over the pulmonary artery. If you have decided the patient cannot withstand pneumonectomy, this should be addressed with the surgeon ahead of thoracotomy.

Step 1: Routine PFTs. If the patient meets the following criteria, no further workup is necessary:

If these criteria were met and the patient were to have pneumonectomy, he would be left with at least 1 liter of FEV1 in the residual lung.

Step 2: If the patient does not meet the above criteria on routine PFT, and if the FEV1 volume is less than 2 liter, we need to perform split lung function testing. Lungs with tumor may not be contributing to total FEV1 volume and thus removal of it may not significantly affect pulmonary function. On the other hand, in some patients the diseased lung is the best lung. The best and most current method of estimating split lung function is to perform quantitative V/Q scan. Perfusion scans correlate better with pulmonary function. One can calculate the FEV1 volume of left over lung by knowing percentage of perfusion to left and right lung. For example:

Preoperative FEV1

Right Lung Perfusion

Left Lung Perfusion

1.5 liters



The tumor is in the right lung. Following resection of the right lung, we can estimate 1.5 x .7 = 1.05 liters of the left lung to remain. The minimum acceptable predicted postoperative FEV1 is 800 ml. If the predicted postoperative FEV1 volume is less than 800 milliliters the patient is not a candidate for pneumonectomy.

Step 3: If the patient has predicted post-operative FEV1 value is less than 800 ml, and if the surgeon still feels that he has a resectable lesion with a good prognosis, the next evaluation would be to occlude the pulmonary artery and measure the pulmonary artery pressure at rest and with exercise. If the pulmonary artery pressure is elevated at rest or with exercise, the patient is not a candidate for pneumonectomy. The patient obviously has no capillary bed reserve and is not able to tolerate the loss of vascular bed. He will develop cor pulmonale and the expected 5 year survival will be less than 50%. This can also be done on the operating table by clamping the pulmonary artery and measuring PA pressures.

I rarely have to go to Step 3 in my clinical practice. We need to address a few of the common questions.

PFT:  Normal study.  FEV1 at 2.61 L which is 100% of predicted, which is normal. FVC of 3.25 L which is 103% of  predicted which is normal. FEV1/FVC ratio of 80% which is normal.  Residual  volume at 1.24 L which is 73% of predicted which is normal.  Total lung  capacity of 4.53 L which is 93% of predicted which is normal.  RV/TLC ratio  of 27% which is normal.  Diffusion capacity at 20.8 mL/min per mmHg which  is 82% of predicted, which is normal.  Patient had a methacholine challenge  test which was done to a final concentration of 60 mg without a drop in  the FEV1 or the FVC.