Surgery Preop note

Surgery Preop note

written in the progress notes the day before the operation.

    • Preop Dx:

    • Procedure planned:

    • Labs:

    • CXR:

    • ECG:

    • Blood: T & C x 2 units packed red cells

    • H & P: should be on chart

    • Anesthesia: Pre-op completed

    • Consent: signed and on front of chart

    • Orders: note special preop orders such as preop colon preps, vaginal douches, prophylactic ABX.

      • void OCTOR (on call to OR)

      • 1 gm cefoxitin OCTOR

      • Hibiclens scrub this p.m.

      • Bowel prep today

      • NPO p midnight (MN)