BMI and estimated energy requirements

BMI and estimated energy requirements:

<15, 35-40 kcal/kg/d

15-19, 30-35

20-24, 20-25

25-29, 15-20

30 and up, <15

Caloric req. for critically ill patients is 35-40 cal/kg (2100-2400 cal/day), and protein req is 1.5 gm/kg/day.

Newborn- 110 kcal/kg/day

Children upto 12 mo - 100 kcal/kg/day.


Normal BMI: 18.5 - 24.9 kg/m2

Overwt: 25 - 29.9

Obesity, class I: 30 - 34.9

Obesity, class II: 35 - 39.9

Morbid obesity: 40 and up

Mild malnutrition: 17 - 18.4

Moderate malnutrition : 16 - 16.9

Severe malnturition : <16

BMI: wt in lbs/(Ht in inches)2 x 703.1 or wt in kg/m2