• QRS >120 msec = Complete

    • QRS 100 - 119 msec = Incomplete

    • LAD = -30° to -90°

    • Check in lead I, aVL, V5, V6 (lateral leads)

      • Tall wide slurred monophasic or notched R wave with VAT (intrinsicoid deflection) >40 msec in I & V6

      • ST segment depression and T wave inversion directed opposite to the RSR' pattern in the respective leads. These ST-T changes are called secondary ST-T changes i.e., secondary to the conduction disturbance (in contrast to the primary ST-T changes due to ischemia and/or drugs affecting the myocardium)

    • Check in V1 - V3

      • ST elevation

      • T elevation

      • rS or QS pattern: initial r wave followed by deep S wave or deep wide QS only.

Very important: For left bundle branch block, the ECG is often unreliable for identifying infarct.