
Iatrogneic Causes Allopurinol, phenytoin, primidone, INH, anti-thyroid agents, pheylbutazone, hydralazine.


    • Location

    • Mode of onset

      • Sudden

      • Gradual

    • Character

      • Tender, painful

      • Painless, non-tender

      • Growth rapidity

    • Precipitating cause or aggravating factors: Tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, dental infections (30% of all inflammatory causes of neck masses), infectious mononucleosis.

    • Associated features:

      • Skin rash.

      • Fever, chills, malaise, fatigue, night sweats, weight loss, anorexia.

      • Sore throat, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, otalgia, cough, wheezing, dyspnea, hoarseness.

      • Dysphagia, diarrhea.

      • Easy bruising, bleeding

      • Pain in enlarged lymph nodes following alcohol ingestion: Hodgkin's disease

      • Draining fistula from neck

    • Iatrogenic: See causes above

    • Social history:

      • Age of patient

      • Pets - cats, rabbits

      • Occupation

      • Travel

      • IVDA

      • STIs

      • Sexual activity and preferences

Physical Exam:

    • Tender, assymetrically enlarged, soft, warm, erythematous nodes (matted together): local infectious process.

    • Firm, rubbery, nontender mobile nodes: lymphoma

    • Hard, painless, fixed to underlying tissue: metastatic carcinomatous nodes

    • Sinus tract in the neck: TB, aspergillosis, actinomycosis

    • Location:

      • Occipital: infection of the scalp, malignancy unlikely. Lymphoma possible

      • Postauricular: Rubella, lymphoma

      • Preauricular: Infection of eyelid, conjunctivae, scalp, or lymphoma.

      • Anterior cervical: Infection of oral cavity and phaynx

      • Unilateral cervical or submandibular: TB, catscratch, oral inf, dental inf, paotitis, otitis externa, soft tissue inf of face, pharyngitis, metastatic, Hodgkin's, histiocytic, or lymphocytic lymphoma.

      • Left supraclavicular: Virchow's node: metastatic tumor usually from occult abdominal neoplasm.

      • Deep cervical or submandibular: Lymphoma, head and neck malignancy, partoid gland tumor or infection.

      • Bilateral cervical: TB, coccidioidomycosis, infectious mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcoidosis, pharyngitis, lymphoma, leukemia.

      • Unilateral axillary: Breast cancer, lymphomas, upper extremity inf, cat-scratch disease, sporotrichosis, tularemia, brucellosis.

      • Epitrochlear: Sarcoidosis, tularemia, secondary syphilis, hand inf

      • Inguinal: LGV, syphilis, lower extremity inf, lymphoma, cellulitis.

      • Generalized; malignancy, CLL, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, HIV, EBV, CMV, histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis

    • Nasopharyngeal exam: primary tumor with cervical metastases.

    • Dental caries

    • Pharyngitis

    • Fever: infection, neoplasm

    • Skin rash: viral inf

    • Ecchymoses; petechiae: Bleeding tendency, leukemia, lymphoma

    • Sternal tenderness: Leukemia

    • Hepatomegaly: Malignancy, hepatitis

    • Splenomegaly: Infectious mononucleosis, sarcoidosis, leukemias, lymphomas, Hodgkin's lymphoma.

    • Swelling of the neck, face, or arms (SVC syndrome): Compression of SVC or sublcavian vein by hilar or mediastinal lymph node enlargement.

Lab Tests: