NYHA Functional Classification

NYHA Functional Classification

    • Class I (mild): Pts with cardiac disease who have no sx or limitation while performing ordinary physical activity (climbing stairs, etc)

    • Class II (mild): Pts with cardiac disease who have mild sx (mild sob, palpitations, fatigue, and/or angina) and slight limitation during ordinary physical activity. (5-10%) annual mortality rate.

    • Class III (moderate): Pts with cardiac disease who have marked limitation in activity due to sx, even during less-than-ordinary activity (walking short distances [ 20 - 100 m]. Comfortable at rest.

    • Class IV (severe): Pts with cardiac disease with severe limitations with sx even at rest. Mostly bedbound Pts. (30-70%) annual mortality rate

    • Find out the level of activity and the rate at which it is performed before onset of symptoms.

    • Ask what kind of task Pt. was able to perform a year before onset of sx and whether Pt. is able to perform those or similar tasks at present?