
Sinai-Grace Internal Medicine Residency Ambulatory Clinic Documentation Guides



    • Any shortness of breath, cough, wheeze – daytime/nighttime frequency?

    • Any post-nasal drip/GERD symptoms?

    • Any ED visits/hospitalizations/ICU admission/intubations since last visit?

    • Current maintenance therapy and rescue therapy

      • Known triggers

      • Exposure to cigarette smoke

      • Any exposure to animal dander/cockroaches/dustmites

      • Any carpeting in the room, mattress box not wrapped in plastic, feather pillow?

      • Baseline Peak Flows

      • Any PFTs in the past?

      • Number of yearly ED visits/hospitalizations/ICU admission/intubations

      • Last systemic steroids use

      • Last Pneumovax and flu shot


    • Peak Flows – each visit if patient brings in their meter.

    • General – shortness of breath, able to speak in full sentences, level of conciousness, accessory respiratory muscle use

    • Ears – tympanic membrane

    • Sinuses - tenderness

    • Nose – enlarged turbinates, discharge

    • Throat and Oral Cavity – posterior pharyngeal wall erythema or exudates

    • Lungs – wheezes, rhonchi, signs of consolidation

    • Abdomen – epigastric tenderness


    • Peak Flows – each visit if patient brings in their meter.

      • PFTs -baseline

      • CXR – baseline

Items in BOLD should be addressed every visit.