Hereditary immunodeficieny states

T - Cell disorders

  • Immunodeficiency, may be primary or secondary.

  • It may involve primarily B cells or subsets of T cells, or it may be generalized and involve the entire immune system.

  • All immunodeficiencies are characterized by lymphopenia, a low lymphocyte count in the peripheral blood.

    • B-cell deficiencies are associated with low levels of serum immunoglobulins.

    • Defective or inadequate function of T cells may be detected by immunologic tests for CMI (e.g., a patch test or tuberculin test).

B-Cell disorders

B and T cell disorders

H&P, CBC, Sr. Ig levels

T-cell fx: anergy panel skin test (PPD, candidia, histoplasmin, tetanus toxoid)

T-cell assays: CD4, CD8, CD3, T-cell receptor.

B-cell assays: CD19, CD20, CD21, Ig associated.

Phagocyte dysfunction