Medical Epidemiology


Defined as the branch of medicine that studies the risks, causes, frequency, distribution, risks, and control of disease in populations.  I thas its own set of biostatistical terminology. 


How many people will have a newly acquired condition in a given period, such as 1 in 5 per year. 


It is the number of cases, new or old, found at a particular moment divided by the number of people in the population at risk. 

Bias in incidence and prevalence 

It occurs when a disease is underreported (due to social stigma of the disease), or lack of diligence in record keeping. 


How long a given condition lasts, on average.

Forumula Prevalence and incidence.

The three terms are related by the formula:


It represents incidence of death in the population at risk


It is the same as mortality except that it is the incidence of a particular disease, rather than death. It is expressed as percentage.

Absolute Risk 

Relative Risk (risk ratio) 

Odds and Odds Ratio (Relative Odds)

Orders differs from probability.  The probability that the horse can win a race is the fraction of times that you would expect a horse to win.  If you expect a horse to win 3 out of 4 times, the probability winning is 3/4 = 0.75 (75%) of the time.  Probability is a percentage.  

The odds of that horse winning is the number of times you would expect the horse to win divided by the number of times it is expected to lose.  In this case the odds is 3/4 = 3, a number rather than a percentage.

Whether computing the probability of the odds, the horse is 3 times more likely to win than loose.  A probability has to lie between 0 and 1 (when expressed as decimels).  Odds can be anywhere from 0 to infinity.

Clinical odds ratio generally refers to the odds that a person with the disease was exposed in the past to the risk factor for that disease divided by the odds that the control group had exposure to similar risk factors.

Even though relative risk and odds ratio are both ratios, there is a difference between relative risk and odds ratio.  Say that 4 out of 5 smokers will get a heart attack within a certain period of time., while 1 out of 5 nonsmokers will get a heart attack in that time period.  The probability of a smoker getting a heart attack is then 4 out of 5, or 0.80 (80%).  The probability of a non-smoker getting a heart attack as 1 out of 5, or 0.20 (20%).  The odds of a smoker getting a heart attack is 4:1, or 4 (a number, not a percentage).  The odds of a non-smoker getting a heart attack is 1:4, or 0.25.  The relative risk of a smoker getting a heart attack is then 0.80/0.20 = 4.  The odds ratio for smoker getting a heart attack is 4/0.25 equals 16 to 1.

Relative risk ratios are more intuitive than ordered Serratia.  In the above example, the relative risk states that a smoker 4 times more likely to get a heart attack than a non-smoker, something that is relatively intuitive to grasp.  Mother reports of a smoker getting a heart attack is also 4 times that of a non-smoker, the odds ratio is 16, telling you that the orders of a smoker getting a heart attack is 16 times the orbits of a non-smoker getting a heart attack; the #16 seems too high, and can be confusing.

So why even use odds ratios?  Just use relative risk.  The problem is that while relative risk assessment can be used in prospective studies, it cannot be used in the retrospective studies, because, as mentioned: Relative risk =  incidence of the illness in people exposed to the risk divided by incidence of illness in people not exposed to the risk.

In order to do a relative risk assessment, you need to know the incidence of the illness and the people exposed to the risk.  You can know this in a prospective study but not in a retrospective study.  Therefore, odds ratio are used in retrospective studies.  You can describe the odds of someone with illness having had past exposure to the risk factors and the odds of someone without the illness having had past exposure to the risk factors, which is what you need for an odds ratio.  In practice, the disease is relatively rare, which is commonly the case, the odds ratio is close to the relative risk, so the terms can be interchangeable in those cases.

Absolute Risk Reduction (Attributable Risk) vs Relative Risk Reduction

Absolute risk reduction and attributable risk are the same in that both are the difference between two incidences.  They differ in that absolute risk reduction refers to getting better, while at attributable risk refers to getting sicker.

Absolute risk reduction is the incidence of disease progression in people taking the placebo minus the incidence of disease progression in people taking the treatment.  For instance, if the incidence of a smoker who takes the placebo getting lung cancer is 3% and the incidence in a smoker taking a new treatment is 1%, then the absolute risk reduction of the treatment is 3% -1% = 2% (0.02).

At attributable risk is the incidence of disease attributed to the risk factor minus the incidence of the disease in persons not exposed to the risk factor.  For instance, if the incidence of a non-smoker getting lung cancer is 0.5% and the incidence of a smoker getting lung cancer is 3%, the attributable risk of smoking in people with lung cancer is 3% - 0.5% = 2.5% (0.25).

Some of the attributable risk can be attributed to random factors in the sampling.  How much?  Computer program can calculate a 95% confidence interval, which indicates what the range of difference would be in 95% of the repeated trials.  If the 95% range does not include 0 difference, the difference is statistically significant.

Recall that the relative risk is the incidence of illness in people exposed to the risk divided by the incidence of the illness and people not exposed to the risk.  Relative risk is a percentage.

Relative risk reduction = (1 - relative risk)

For instance: If the absolute risk (incidence) of death in a person left untreated for rare pulmonary disease is 0.002 (0.2%) and the absolute risk (incidence) of death if the person is treated for the disease is 0.02 (2%), then the relative risk of death in treated individual is 0.002/0.02 = 0.1 (10%).  The relative risk reduction is 1 - 0.10 = 0.90 (90%).  Sounds like a great treatment!  Compare this with the absolute risk reduction.  As mentioned, the absolute risk (incidence) of death when untreated is 0.002 (0.2%), and the absolute risk (incidence) of the disease when treated is 0.02 (2%).  The absolute risk reduction of the treatment of the rare disease is only 0.02-0.002 = 0.018 (about 1.8%).  Sounds like the treatment is hardly effective!  So the relative risk reduction is 90%, while the absolute risk reduction is only 1.8%!  The reason for the difference is that the relative risk reduction is based on proportions, which do not take into account the rarity of a disease, while absolute risk reduction is based on subtraction of percentages,and can be a very small number with a rare disease.  It can be confusing, when it is unclear whether the relative risk reduction or absolute risk reduction is presented as a research result.

A drug company that wanted to exaggerate the effects of its treatment of a rare disease might list the relative risk reduction (90% reduction) rather than absolute risk reduction (a measly 1.8%).  It is important to state not only the relative risk (and relative risk reduction) but the absolute risk (and absolute risk reduction).  The more uncommon the disease, the greater the discrepancy between relative risk reduction in absolute risk reduction.

Numbers needed to treat (NNT)

Numbers needed to harm (NNH)



Ideally, a test should be very sensitive and very specific so that there are no false positives or negatives.  Sometimes, to deal with false positives and negatives, 2 tests are used, 1 very sensitive and the other very specific.

So why not just do the specific test?  The specific test may not be very sensitive, and you might miss the diagnosis (get a false negative) with just a specific test.  As an example, the ELISA and Western blot tests are both use for the detection of HIV.  ELISA is used initially, since it is relatively sensitive, but there could be a false positive (e.g., in patients with allergies and recent acute illnesses).  If positive, ELISA is followed by a more specific confirmatory Western blot test.

If the test is designed to detect an illness, example diabetes, based on the blood level of glucose, the wider the blood level range that is considered diabetic the greater the chance of false positive, i.e., some people without diabetes will fall within the range and the test will be less specific for diabetes.  If the range that is considered diabetic is too narrow, the greater will be the chance of a false negative, i.e., some people with diabetes will be missed; the test will be less sensitive for diabetes.  Thus, there is a trade off between sensitivity and specificity in the way test value ranges set.

Commonly, laboratory diagnostic testing list a range of normal values, those found in clinically normal people; values outside the range should raise the red flags as to a possible illness.  The question is where to draw the line between what is clinically normal and what is not.  If the listed normal range is too narrow, some people outside the range will be declared clinically abnormal even if they are not; there will be false positives.  If the range of the test is too wide, some people inside the range will be declared clinically normal even if they are not; they will be false negative.

It is important to remember that someone who falls outside the statistically normal range of a  particular lab test is not necessarily clinically abnormal.  The person may just be unusual, but nonetheless clinically normal.  It is important for the clinician to not just look at one lab test result, but the constellation of lab tests, physical exam, and history to determine whether or not the patient is clinically abnormal.

Positive predictive value: 

Negative predictive value

The more prevalent the disease is in a population, the higher the positive predictive value in the lower with the negative predictive value.

To solve sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV problems:

True positive

It is a positive test result in a person who has the condition.

False positive

It is a positive test result in a person who does not have the condition.

True negative

It is a negative test result in a person who does not have the condition

False negative

It is a negative test result in a person who has the condition.


Confirmation bias 

It is when a person selectively seeks out information that supports a belief or idea that they already have, thus "confirming" their existing beliefs. However, information that supports the contrary is not taken into consideration, dismissed, or selectively ignored. These beliefs are largely derived from stereotypes and overgeneralizations that are combined with faulty deductive logic, most commonly about particular demographic groups. 

Anchoring bias

When people are trying to make a decision, they often use an anchor or focal point as a reference or starting point. Psychologists have found that people have a tendency to rely too heavily on the very first piece of information they learn, which can have a serious impact on the decision they end up making.  In psychology, this type of cognitive bias is known as the anchoring bias or anchoring effect. 

Randomised controlled trials (RCT)