Post-partum progress note

S: (name, age, race) (G#Pfpal), inhosp. day #, c/o (if pain ChLoRIDE PP), nursing comments (pt. events during that shift), +/- sx (CP, SOB, LE swelling, calf tenderness, N/V/D), +/- breast tenderness, quantity of vaginal bleeding, voiding urine, flatus, ambulatory or not, BM, and tolerating fluids or regular diet. Breast or bottle-feeding baby, for contraception considering (birth control type).

O: objective - General survey, VS (Tm, HR, RR, BP), CVP, PCWP, I/O x 2 shifts (IVF, PO/UO (Foley to gravity)/UO last shift, NGT (to low wall suction), vomit, stool

PE findings: Skin, HEENT, pertinent location: if abdomen - distended/non-distended, +/- BS, fundal height/consistency, soft/-, -/+ tender in area; lochia (color, consistency, odor), perineum (episiotomy wound) clean and dry, no DC; or Drsng: intact, dry, clean, no DC. Thorax/Lungs: CTA-B, COR: RRR, S1, S2, - m, r, g,

Ext: -c,c,e, edema, Homan's si:

Neuro: MAE, sensation intact, strength 5/5

Meds-if on ABX day #, RhoGam, pain meds, iron, MVT, stool softeners, etc.


A: assessment based on data above (s/p NSVD, PP day#, stable, afebrile, progressing well)

P: plan - diagnostic, therapeutics, DC plans, pt. education (continue PP care
