Neuro exam write up


Approach to Neurological Exam

Flexion, extension, and lateral bending of the spine

Thoracic expansion with inspiration

Coordination: Rapid alternating movements, rapid index finger-thumb tapping; rapid foot tapping.  Finger to nose and finger; heel to shin. 

SENSORY EXAM: intact to light touch, pinprick, temperature, vibration and position sense.  

Cortical sensory: Stereognosis, graphesthesia, two point discrimination, point localization, double simultaneous stimulation without extinction.

No meningeal signs

REFLEXES: Superficial: upper T8 – T10 and lower abdominal reflexes T10 – T12, cremasteric: L1-L2, bulbocavernous reflex: S2-S4, anal wink: S2-S4.

DTR: 2+ UE/LE (B)

Brachoradialis/supinator (C5-C6)

Biceps (C5, C6)

Triceps (C6, C7, C8)

Patellar (L2, L3, and L4)

Achilles (L5-S1-3)

Plantar (L5-S1)

Plantar response with toes downgoing.


Jaw jerk: CN5

Associated with hypereflexia: Hoffman’s.  Exaggerated jaw jerk

Frontal release signs – Primitive reflexes:

Glabellar tap extinguishing/nonextinguishing (Myerson's sign)

Palmomental reflex





NIHSS – total score: 

1a. LOC: 0/1/2/3

1b. LOC response to questions: 0/1/2

1c. LOC response to Commands: 0/1/2

2. Best Gaze: 0/1/2

3. Visual fields: 0/1/2/3

4. Facial palsy: 0/1/2/3

5a. Motor - left arm: 0/1/2/3/4/UN

5b. Motor - right arm: 0/1/2/3/4/UN

6a. Motor – left leg: 0/1/2/3/4/UN

6b. Motor – right leg: 0/1/2/3/4/UN

7. Limb Ataxia: 0/1/2/UN

8. Sensory: 0/1/2

9. Best Language: 0/1/2/3

10. Dysarthria: 0/1/2/UN

11. Extinction and Inattention: 0/1/2

Minimal Screening Neurologic Exam (5-10 minutes)

Three Important Nerve Roots in the Arm

CRANIAL NERVES:  Visual acuity- OU: 20/20 w/o correction.  Visual fields full to confrontation without extinction to double simultaneous stimulation. Fundus yellow with sharp borders, no AV nicking, exudates, cotton wool spot, dot and blot H'ges, vitreous H'ge, Terson's sign (SAH), PERRL 4 => 2 mm bilaterally. Direct and consensual response noted.  Eye movements with normal versions, smooth pursuit and saccades. No nystagmus.  Facial sensation intact to light touch in all three trigeminal areas bilaterally.  Brisk corneal reflex bilaterally.  Good strength of masseter and temporalis muscles on jaw clenching.  Facial strength normal.  No obvious facial asymmetry noted.  Hearing intact to finger rub. Palate and uvula elevates in midline symmetrically, no pooled salivary secretions.  Able to cough. Head rotation from side to side, and shoulder shrug  with good strength bilaterally.  Tongue midline and patient able to move it from side to side, no fasciculations noted.  

MOTOR EXAM:  Body position at rest and movement. Gait is normal with symmetric stride and arm swing.  Tandem walking (toe to heel), toe walking, heel walking, monopedal stance intact. Rising from a sitting position without arm support.  Romberg’s sign and pronator drift negative. 

Bulk and tone are normal without obvious atrophy, and are symmetric. No tremors, tics, fasciculation, or myoclonus noted.  Non tender.  No asterexis. 

Strength: Right upper extremity and right lower extremity proximal and distal 5/5 strength. 

"The neurological examination of patients remains first and foremost a bedside exercise."

"Patient assessment strategies are most effective when based on clinical hypotheses. These hypotheses should be formulated based on the principles of neurological localization, the chronological course of symptom development, and application of risk factor analysis. Tests and other investigations ordered rationally with the primary purpose of resolving a clinically established differential diagnosis or, if possible to prove the working diagnosis."


Vital Signs: 

General Appearance:  Pt. is a WD/WN, ethnicity, appears stated age, laying calmly on stretcher, wearing hospital gown.  Grooming and personal hygiene, cooperation with exam, flat expression of face, poor eye contact.  Abnormal posture of trunk, head, or extremities.

Skin: pallor, cyanosis, erythema, rash, nail changes (dystrophic), clubbing of fingernails.  Hair growth

Eyes:  periorbital structures, conjunctivitis, ptosis, exophthalmos, lid lag, lid retraction, xanthelasma, jaundice, unilateral proptosis (thyroid eye disease, retro-orbital tumor, carotid-cavernous fistula, histiocytosis X), meningocele, encephalocele; corneal clouding (mucopolysacchridosis), Brushfield spots on iris due to Down's syndrome, Lisch nodules in neurofibromatosis; keratoconjunctivitis sicca due to Sjogrne's syndrome, HZ ophthalmicus, pnegueculae (Gaucher's disease), KF-ring (Wilson's disease), unilateral arcus senilis (carotid stenosis), tortuous conjunctival vessels (AT), scleritis (Wegener's granulomatosis), nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis (Cogan's syndrome). 

Inspect the width of palpebral fissures, inter-orbital distance (hypertelorism vs hypotelorism), epicanthic folds,   Test pupillary light-reflexes, cover-uncover test, cross-cover test. convergence

HENT:  Shape, symmetry, size and any evidence of deformities of head.  The -cephalies (macro, micro, hydro, brachy, etc.). Intraoral lesions, leukoplakia.  Perforated TM, glomus tumor (Jugular foramen synd), HZ infection (Ramsay-Hunt synd), cholesteatoma. CSF otorrhea, hemotypanum (basilar skull fracture), CSOM/Serous otitis media (air-fluid); perforated nasal septum (cocaine snorter), saddle nose (congenital syphilis), CSF rhinorrhea. Smooth tongue with atrophy of fungiform and filiform papillae (pernicious anemia).

Neck:  bruit

Cardiovascular:  Hear rate, rhythm, pulses

Musculoskeletal:  swelling, deformity, varus, valgus, genu recurvatum, pretibial edema, leg length discrepancy.  Pes cavus, hammertoes, hand arthropathy (swan-neck, Heberden's, Bouchard nodes).



Alertness:  Patient is alert/lethargic, requires tactile stimulation to arouse; falls asleep when not stimulated/stupor/coma

Orientation: Pt. is oriented to person, place, and time. GCS EVM. 

Speech and Language functions:  Speech is fluent and prosodic without paraphasic errors, comprehension (close your eyes, open them. Touch your right ear with your thumb and stick your tongue out. Point to your knee, point to the floor), naming (pen, watch, coin) (parts of ball point pen or parts of watch), repetition (no ifs, ands, or buts; I am in the hospital), reading, and writing is intact.  

Attention: WORLD/DLROW, naming months/days of the week forwards and backwards. Number 1-5, forwards and backwards

Memory: Registration of 3/3 objects.  Short-term memory: Pt. is able to recall 3/3 objects accurately after 5 minutes. Long term memory: able to state his date of birth, home phone number, address, name of spouse, children, work, name past 5 presidents. Anything that is verifiable.


Thought processes: circumstantiality, derailment, flight of ideas, neologisms, incoherence, blocking, confabulation, perseveration, echolalia, clanging, disscursive

Thought content:  compulsions, obsessions, phobias, anxieties, feeling of unreality, feelings of depersonalization, delusions

Perceptions: illusions, hallucinations. Suicidal or homicidal ideation/intents.

Higher cognitive functions: Fund of information and vocabulary: hobbies, work, favorite TV programs, name of last 4 presidents, 5 large cities. 

Calculations–serial 7’s, 3’s, or simple calculations. 

Logic, Abstract reasoning/concrete reasoning: proverb interpretation

Judgment (scenario: fire in moving theater, letter on side walk, etc)

Insight (how the Pt. perceives his/her condition)

Neglect, Right and left confusion, finger agnosia, and construction tasks (intersecting pentagons, bisecting lines).  Visuospatial tasks: right/left (draw clock face). Repeat with opposite side


Palate elevation and Gag Reflex (CN IX, X).  

Muscles of articulation (CN V, VII, IX, X, XII).

Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles (CN XI)

Tongue Muscles (CN XII)

Motor system: focus on body position, involuntary movements, characteristics of the muscles (bulk, tone, and strength), and coordination.


DTR (correct name: muscle stretch reflexes)

Reflexes: tested in SCI; compartment syndrome; patient's on magnesium drip; encephalopathic (liver disease) or to identify pathologic relfexes.

Cutaneous reflexes. Useful when SCI or a cauda equina lesion is suspected. Presence of these reflexes implies spinal cord is intact, and corresponding sensory and motor nerves at the level tested is intact.

Quick way to check motor strength/paresis:

Pronator drift

Wave hands fast at wrist

Tapping each finger to thumb in sequence rapidly

Tapping foot rapidly to examiners palm

Flexion and extension

Widened palpebral fissure

Flattened nasolabial fold

Hoffman sign

Digiti quinti sign: ask the patient to extend both arms with palms down. The digit quinti on the side of paralysis (ipsilateral) abducts (higer sensitivity than pronator drift)

Finger rolling test

Upgoing thumb signs

Babinski's sign

Mental Status examination terminology

Mental Status exam: Tests the overall global brain function.  

Level of consciousness is severely impaired when in lesions of the brainstem reticular formation, and in bilateral lesions of the thalami, diencephalic structures, or cerebral hemispheres.  It is mildly impaired in unilateral cortical or thalamic lesions.  Toxic and metabolic factors are also some common causes of impaired consciousness because these affect the structures mentioned.

Attention and cooperation impairment is not specific and can occur in many different focal brain lesions, in diffuse abnormalities such as dementia, or encephalitis, and in behavior or mood disorders.

Test attention: WORLD/DLROW, digit span 6 forwards and 4 or more backwards (123456/6543). Naming days of the week or months forwards and backwards

Orientation: Document specifically the questions that were asked and how they were answered. What the patient did and was not able to do.  Pt. is oriented to person: "John Doe," place: "Hospital," but does not know which one, time: "2011," and does not season, month, day, or today's date.

What's being tested?  Tests recent and long-term memory.

Memory:  Have the patient repeat after you, once, 3 objects, e.g. (ball, dog, table).  Assess patient's ability to recall these objects after 5 minutes.  During the interval time, it is important you you provide other distractions in order to prevent patient from rehearsing the items repeatedly. Also time using a digital watch alarm to prevent yourself from forgetting to test for these items at the end of 5 mintues.  Remote memory must be verifiable: address, date of birth, spouse, name of children, phone number, jobs, school, military service, name of past presidents or any verifiable personal events.

What's being tested? Loss of memory without these time characteristics may signify damage to areas other than the medial temporal and medial diencephalic structures, and can also occur in psychogenic amnesia.


Each of the individual components of Gerstmann's syndrome is poorly localizing on its own, but they are worth documenting as part of the assessment of overall cognitive function.  Each of the individual abnormalities can be seen in many different lesions and may be present in individuals with impaired attention, language praxis, constructions, logic and abstractions.

Apraxia.  Inability to follow a motor command that is not due to a primary motor deficit or a language impairment.  

Neglect and Constructions.  Hemineglect is an abnormality in attention to one side of the universe.  It is not due to a primary sensory or motor disturbance.  

What's being tested? 

Hemineglect is most common in lesions of the right (nondominant) parietal lobe, causing the patients to neglect the left side.  

Left side neglect can also be seen in right frontal lesions, right thalamic or basal ganglia lesions, and, rarely, in lesions of the right midbrain.  

In left parietal lesions a much milder neglect is usually seen affecting the patient's right side.

Frontal release signs:  Patients with frontal lobe dysfunction/lesions may have difficulty in changing from one action to another when asked to perform a repeated sequence of actions. "Executive functions" are impaired in frontal lobe lesion.

Logic and abstraction:  Can the patient solve simple problems. "How is an apple and banana alike?"  "If Mary is taller than Jane, and Jane is taller than Ann, who's the tallest?"  Proverb interpretation: "Make hay while sun shines?"  Education background must be taken into account before administering these test.

Mood and Affect:  Signs of anxiety, depression, and mania.  Largely obtainable through history.  Depression:  SIG EM CAPS

Thought process

Thought content: obsessions, complusions, delusions, suicidal ideation or intent, homicidal ideation or intent.  Anxiety d/o characterized by preoccupation with worrisome thoughts.

Disorders of perception: Hallucinations, paranoia.  Mania causes patients to be abnormally active and cognitively disorganized.

Cranial Nerves.  It can raise red flags that suggest a specific neurologic dysfunction rather than a systemic disorder.

Smell (CN I):  Can the patient smell coffee, other aromas with each nostril? Noxious odors are not tested, since they stimulate pain fibers of CN V.  CN I is not tested unless specific pathology as a subfrontal brain tumor is suspected.

Vision (CN II):  

Pupillary response (C II, CN III):

EOM (CN III, IV, VI).  EOM.  Ask if there is diplopia.  

Facial sensation and muscles of mastication (CN V).

Facial expression and Taste (CN VII).

Hearing and Vestibular Sense (CN VIII).  

Strength: Mayo > MRC || 0 = 5 / normal/full strength || -1 = 4+ / mildly weak || -2 = 4 / moderately weak || -3 = 4- / severely weak but still antigravity || -3.25 = 3 / antigravity only || -3.5 = 2 / movement if gravity eliminated || -3.75 = 1 / muscle flicker/twitch || -4 = 0 / no movement || *pain limited || ** or GW = give way weakness

Reflexes: Mayo > conventional: -4 = 0 (absent) || -3 = 1+ (75% decreased) || -2 = 1+ (50% decreased) || -1 = 1+ (25% decreased) || 0 = 2+ (normal) || +1 = 3+ (25% increased) || +2 = 3+ (50% increased) || +3 = 3+ (75% increased) || +4 = 4+ (clonus)