Discharge Summary Note

Discharge Summary Note

    1. Date of Admission:

    2. Date of Discharge

    3. Principal Diagnosis:

    4. Secondary Diagnosis:

    5. Discharge Diagnosis:

    6. Attending Physician:

    7. Surgeon:

    8. Procedure(s) Performed with Dates:

    9. Chief complaint

    10. HPI

    11. Allergies

    12. Medications on admission (home meds)

    13. PMH

    14. PSH

    15. OB & GYN hx if applicable

    16. FH

    17. SH

    18. Hospital Course: PE on admission, labs/dxtic on admit, admit diagnosis, inhospital course, consults

    19. Condition on Discharge: VS, Labs.

    20. Disposition:

    21. Discharge Instructions: List medications, diet, follow-up care, activity restrictions.

    22. Your name, position, and pager number

    23. Copy distribution