
Reversible conditions associated with Urinary incontinence (DRIIIPP):

    • Delirium

    • Restricted mobility - illnesses, injury, gait d/o, restraint

    • Infection: acute symptoms of UTI

    • Inflammation: atrophic vagnitis

    • Impaction: feces

    • Polyuria: DM, caffeine, volume overload

    • Pharmacy: diuretics, alpha-adrenergic agonists or antagonists, anticholinergics, psychotropics, antidepressants, anti-parkinsonians

Stress incontinence:

    • uretheral sphincter problem

    • sneezing, laughing triggers

Urge incontinence (detrusor overactivity)

    • most common form

    • uncontrollable need to void

    • uninhibited contraction

    • frequently waking up at night to void, and voids >100 mL at a time.

    • DHIC (detrusor hyperactivity with impaired contractility) is a type of urge incontinence where there is involuntary contraction of bladder with a weak detrusor muscle. There is incomplete emptying of bladder.

    • PVR >200 mL:

      • Sterile conditions, straight cath bladder after 5-10 min of voiding. If PVR >200 mL, suggests detrusor underactivity or obstruction - refer to urology.

    • Tx: oxybutinin and tolterodine (anticholinergics) cause bladder relaxation. SE: urine retention, constipation, dry mouth.

Mixed/incontinence: Ask 3 questions:

    • Any leakage in the past 3 mo?

    • Does it sound like sx of urge/stress I?

    • Which type in past 3 mo?

    • Needs urodynamic studies

Overflow incontinence:

    • BOO in BPH, prostate ca, urethral stricture, cystocele

    • Atonic bladder: spinal cord disease, DM autoneuropathy, EtOH, vitamin B12 def, tabes dorsalis, PD

    • Tx: BPH: alpha-adrenergic blocers (terazosin, doxazosin, tamulosin) + 5-alpha reductase (finasteride)

Functional incontinence:

    • Can't make it due to inability to move.