2016-08-11 E.SCHOOL

Design Challenge: How might we co-design an empathic culture in our school?


Human-centered design is a process that has been used for decades to create better products, services, experiences, cultures and organizations that keep people’s needs at the core.

You’re invited to learn about and apply human-centered design in this workshop. Using the process and tools developed by IDEO and the Stanford d.school, this workshop will introduce you to human-centered design and help you generate, prototype and test your ideas quickly. We will apply this process to address a practical problem and project.

By donation. ($0 -$100)

Signup Page: To take part add your name to this list.

Date: Thursday, August 11

Time: 9am PST/12pm EST (3.5 hours)

We use Google Hangouts for the Meeting Space.

Google Hangouts Event:

Hangout url: Click on this link at the meeting time to join the call. http://j.mp/2a8r4X7

The workshop is recorded for educational purposes.

Mural Meeting Room:

This is the work-space. You will need to make an account on Mural to use it.

You should have received an invitation by email.



Jonia Mariechild jonia7@gmail.com

Derya Agis deryaagis@gmail.com

Victoria Whelan vgrwhelan@gmail.com

Thanks for hosting the workshop.

I Like... that we had tasks in advance, such as completing our personal introduction. I think that every action that allows us focus on the workshop and make good use of our valuable time together is a step in the right direction

I Wish... there was time for iterations of the prototype

What if... we could find a way to keep the dialogue going

Vicenç Rul.lan

Check List Instructions for Participants

1. Use good computer equipment:

  • Try to use Google Chrome, it works best for Google Hangouts and MURAL

  • Use as large a screen and as powerful a computer as you can! (and the fastest Internet you can find). Cell phones do not work.

  • Use a mouse. (especially with Mural). Scratch pads are hard to use in MURAL.

  • iPad may not work; best to use a regular computer.

  • Use earbuds to avoid audio feedback.

  • try not to use WiFi but rather a direct connection for better and more reliable internet performance.

  • Agree to stay for the full workshop. We work as a team and having participants leave mid workshop disrupts the flow.

2. We use Google Hangouts On Air for Video Conferencing.

See How to use Google Hangouts

3. View this Video Introduction to Design

4. Before the Workshop - Create an account on Mural.ly

    • We will use the Mural platform for some of our design activities,.

  • We need participants emails, we will invite you to join Mural.

  • Participants will receive an invitation to a Mural room.

  • Before the workshop on the Mural page 1, create a introduction about yourself.

  • Play with the software to get familiar with it.

5. Watch this Introduction to MURAL

Presentation Notes:


  • Fill out Introductions and play with Mural.

  • Welcome

  • Start Recording

  • Share Introductions

About Human Centered Design and this workshop (5 min)

Emotional Preparation

  • This will be very fasted paced,

  • You may feel overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated from;

    • The fast pace

    • Leaning new programs like Hangouts, Mural, etc.

    • Dealing with technical problems with computer, audio, Hangouts, Mural,

    • Leaning a new design process

  • Just go with it, voice any concerns, ask questions.

  • It should be rewarding. There's a learning curve on the technology and it's a great skill and mind set to learn and most people gain a lot from learning it.


0. About Human-Centered Design

* Check-in - How are your feeling now?

1. Empathy - Interviews (45 min)

  • Sample Questions (2 min)

  • Interviewing ideas

    • 5 whys, Why is empathy important to you in the school., why x5?

    • Ask For Stories?

    • Look for problems, related feelings and unmet needs?

    • Empathic Listening Reflection of understanding?

    • Show me.

    • Draw it

  • Do interviews (5 min pp)

2. Define (15 min)

    • Sort and Cluster Interviews (10 min)

    • Find themes and Insights

    • Craft How might we statements (5 min)

    • Select HMW - Vote

3. Ideate (20 minutes)

* Check-in - How are your feeling now?

  • Brainstorming

  • About brainstorming

    • Defer Judgement

    • Wild Idea

    • Build on ideas of others

    • Stay on topic

    • Be visual

    • Go for Quantity - lots of ideas

  • Brainstorming

    • yes and

    • yes and idea cost $1 million

    • yes and idea contains magic

  • Cluster (5 min)

  • Select (1 min)

4. Prototype (20 minutes)

5. Test (20 minutes)

6. Feedback (15 Min) 5 min write - 5 min share

7. Iterate - Plan to do it again.

8. Workshop is by Donation. PayPal