
How might we show and articulate the many benefits of an Empathy Circle?

What are the Benefits of an Empathy Circle?

An Easily Accessible Empathy Practice

As a peer to peer empathy practice, the circle is relatively easy to organize and to practice. It is easy to begin and doesn't have a long learning curve and has the most benefit for the least amount of work.

Develop Empathic Resilience.

By being heard over and over again and deeper and deeper, we develop a inner resilience.

Turn Taking

Fosters turn taking for speaking and listening. A speaker has a turn until they they feel they have been heard to their satisfaction.

Non Competitive Dialog - Collaborative Dialog

The Empathy Circle removes the feeling of having to compete to be heard. When it is your turn, you have the floor to express yourself.

Feeling heard

It feels good to be heard and seen.

A space to feel heard about issues you are dealing with

Practice empathy and take it to other places like family, relationships, friends, work, community, etc.

A space to practice listening and get better at it.