Feedback E.School

Ryan Wood

Thank you so much for so generously investing your time into facilitating these workshops! You do a great job at it. Here are some thoughts

I like... the concise, hands-on introduction to design thinking. I have read about design thinking numerous times, but going through the model in this way made the concepts much more accessible. It was also great to collaborate with such a great group on an important topic.

Helen Grace King

I like... how educators across the continent were able to come together for 3 hours via modern age society of technology to discuss the role of empathy in education, specific techniques, and suggestions to collaborate to infuse empathy into the school culture.

I like... No..LOVE..the fact that I was able to feel/be part of a really cool and innovative team, co-designing a more empathic world and school.

Jenn Digiandomenico

I like... working within a dynamic team to generate ideas that I may not necessarily have thought of on my own. This process has helped me to consider the question from various perspectives, widening my understanding and curiosity about empathy in schools.

Johnny Henderson

I Like... sharing ideas with like minded people who want to make an impact in students lives. Thanks Edwin for your awesome facilitation, It was a pleasure spending time with you!

Gray Switalski

I like ...being able to bounce ideas and collaborate with so many people from all over the world. It's truly an amazing and beautiful experience to have people from all different backgrounds coming together to work toward a common goal. The variety of viewpoints gives the project greater depth and opens worlds of possibilities.

Vicenç Rullan

I am glad I had a chance to participate in the workshop. I felt in great company and learned the basics of design thinking, with a fast-paced hands-on workshop. Before the workshop, I knew next to nothing about Empathic Design. Now, this practical introduction has put me in a position to enjoy further readings and experiences on Empathic Design. I do recommend this workshop.

Jonathan Leighton

I very much liked the hands-on approach to becoming familiar with the design process, and the ability to interact with others online. I also liked hearing about the experience of others in promoting empathy.

Alison Fornes

I loved the opportunity to experience an iteration of empathic design using the virtual tools you set up, and around a topic that is so aligned with my own work. I found the specific outcome of designing survey questions to ask empathy educators quite valuable, as growing the evidence base for the impact of empathic intelligence will benefit all our work.