Emails Mini

===== Invitation 1 ================

Subject: Invitation to take part in an Introduction to Empathy Design workshop: ??


I've put together a 3 hour online ‘Empathic Design workshop’ that I'm prototyping. I’m very excited about it since it’s a culmination of 8 years of working on empathy. I think it is a very effective practice for experientially fostering an empathic way of being.

I wanted to invite you to take part in testing the workshop online? Here is an overview .

Let me know if you'd like to take part.




===== Reminder 1 ================

SUBJECT: Our Upcoming 'Introduction to Empathy Design': DATE: ????


I'm looking forward to our upcoming Introduction to Empathy Design Workshop! In preparation.

Confirm You Are Attending

( ) Please reply to this email to confirm you are attending.


Please arrive on time or even 5 minutes early so we can begin promptly. Coming late disrupts the group flow. Also be sure to show up since the workshop depends on a certain number of participants and if someone doesn't show up it may throw off the team process.

Hangout URL

Hangout URL: click on the link at the time and you should enter the google hangout.

Workshop Page

This is our workshop page with relevant links.


Here is a checklist you can go over in preparation.

The Workshop Will Be Recorded

Hangout is being recorded for public viewing on YouTube for documentation, education and promotion purposes. We can go back and get transcripts for the design work, promotion, education, etc. By taking part you agree to be recorded.


Let me know if you have any questions or ideas on how to make the workshop process better.



===== Day of workshop. Final Reminder ================

SUBJECT: Google Hangout URL for Today's Empathic Design Workshop


I'm looking forward to our Empathic Design Workshop today!

Hangout URL

Hangout URL: click on the link at the time and you should enter the google hangout.


Please arrive on time or even 5 minutes early so we can begin promptly. Coming late disrupts the group flow. Also be sure to show up since the workshop depends on a certain number of participants and if someone doesn't show up it may throw off the team process.


When you arrived, please open this google document and write in your intention for taking part.

Workshop Page

This is our workshop page with relevant links.

The Workshop Will Be Recorded

Hangout is being recorded for public viewing on YouTube for documentation, education and promotion purposes. We can go back and get transcripts for the design work, promotion, education, etc. By taking part you agree to be recorded.





I'm looking forward to our Empathic Design Workshop today!

Hangout URL: click on the link at the time and you should enter the google hangout. meeting here.

On arrival open this google doc and writing your intention for the meeting here.



===== Follow up Thank You. ================

Subject: It was a lot of fun and engaging doing the empathic design workshop.

Greetings everyone

It was a lot of fun and engaging doing the empathic design workshop together. Thank you for testing out the workshop process. You are welcome to do another one since it takes multiple iterations to learn the process. I'll be scheduling more soon.

Also stay tuned for the 10 week design workshops. see

See your personal webpage at

below are some image and our summaries.

Links to our meeting page.

