
Empathy Team 8 Online


Date: Thursdays, 9am to 12pm - PDT


‘How might we show families how satisfying empathy circles are for their communication?

Final Meeting Report

Edwin Report

There were only 2 of us in the meeting since, one person had personal things to deal with, one person was sick. and someone else just didn’t show up.We started with one to one empathic listening which was a good opportunity to practice it. I thought that worked very well since we could go deeper and had more personal attention. I enjoyed Andrea’s awareness of the power of empathic listening. The positive aspects for both the speaker and the listener.

In this meeting we went through Class Two of the IDEO design workbook. We modified our design challenge from the initial challenge of: ‘How might we redesign the Empathy Circle to foster a more empathic way of being?’ to a narrower focus of; ‘How might we show families how satisfying empathy circles are for their communication?’

We felt this was a more exciting challenge and resonated more with each of us. We started with the aspect of showing families how empathy can lead to joy. But then modified that. We can still modify this challenge as we go along. For me, how to foster empathy in families is very important. It’s where I have had some of the greatest satisfaction in the empathy work. I’m really looking forward to see what we come up with. We also planned out our research for the next two weeks.


With this meeting I liked a lot the empathic listening exercise with Edwin. It was great to understand him and to feel fully understood in what I wanted to say.

It was great that the hangout also worked fine with my mobile phone, so that the restart of my computer didn’t block today's meeting. Also the working in the documents was kind of easier that way having the full screen available.

I like the focus of our design challenge on how to start with empathy circles in families, as this place is the main learning environment for nearly every human being and the corner stone of communication is laid.

I wish that also the other team members would have taken part. I hope that their experiences and ideas will spice up the process with diverse opinions next week.

Google Event URL

Each hangout meeting has a google event page. This is the url to that page.

Hangout URL

click on the link at the time and you should enter the google hangout.

YouTube Video

Video of the workshop will be placed here after it's done

Design Workbook

Click on this link and it will open the meeting workbook as a google doc.

On arrival for the meeting, open the document and write you intention for the course and meeting on the first page.

Meeting Folder

Each meeting has a shared google folder were the material for that meeting can be uploaded. This includes manuals, photos, interviews, etc.