
Setting the intention of the meeting.

Our Group Intention is to develop an empathic way of being.

Personal Intentions: Find out personal Intentions off all participants.

Share the intentions.

Use a Gradient of Agreement Chart.

1. Whole-hearted Endorsement

2. Endorsement with minor concerns - “Basically I like it.”

3. Agree with reservations - “I can live with it.”

4. Abstain - “I have no opinion.”

5. Stand aside - “I don’t like this, but I don’t want to hold up the group.”

6. Serious Disagreement, but willing to go with majority - “I want my disagreement noted, but I’ll support the decision.”

7. Disagreement, with request not to be involved in implementation - “I don’t want to stop anyone else, but I don’t want to be involved in implementing it.”

8. Block - “I veto this proposal.”

How does that work for everyone?

Light a candle to hold the intention.

End by blowing our intentions out into the world by blowing out the candle together.

Everyone take a deep breath and blow out the candle from where ever you are in the world.