Tim Harrison


Sept 13 2015: Empathy Circle 1:1 with Tim and Edwin


Excited about participating in the Saturday Focussing group - & how that might integrate that “going with bodily feeling” work into the empathy work overall (along with others like NVC).

Excited about helping improve outcome effectiveness by working to discuss/define personal goals upfront - not just generic or undefined project goals. i.e. “how can I both learn AND contribute most effectively for both myself AND the project/team.

Excited about extending empathy-circle ideas to specific areas e.g. Trauma/Suicide victim support (particularly around reducing isolation) - building support for stigma-challenged groups.


Conversation dynamic changed once we got onto discussion the “energy” that arises when there is a shift to more personal contribution input - such as specific ideas for how we might help create real change.

The “energy” was a positive upshift toward possibilities - felt like an opening up & sparked ideas/creative flow. Became more conversational (vs listen/speak) once this happened. Became more inspiring/animated & involved.

Noticed enthusiasm to drive for quality over quantity: useful, productive ideas that might be actionable - rather than just expecting “process” to deliver ideas.


Had some anxiety/awkward feelings at the start - around me not being able to concentrate on listening - staying focused & remembering vs being in the moment.

Had difficulty expressing criticism for HCD/DT in current form which doesn’t consider how to optimize output or individual contributor goals/interests.

Felt really good at the end - as though we were both on the same page in terms of seeking to improve the effectiveness of the outcome by looking at both personal goals and project goals.

Felt easier & energizing to share/reflect on specific possibilities surfaced by personal contribution.

Felt better / validated for sharing points of view & ideas.