Kelsey Crowe


I am curious to learn more about empathy training using different modalities

Rosa interviews Kelsey

How did the circle work for you? Kelsey’s ideas about how the circle worked: a) reminded her of the value of reflecting back what you’ve heard; b) the opportunity to practice.

What didn’t work? Depends upon the overall goal. If it was to get us to practice reflective listening, it was good! What doesn’t work, was not understanding the objective, what the hopes were for what we would get out of it. We launched into empathic listening without exploring the “why” of it.

What were your own hopes? Kelsey was just curious. What does “empathy practice means to others…” Active listening is the key feature of empathy in THIS work.

Could you repeat your concern about “purpose”? What is the overview of “Why” we are doing it.

Can you say a little bit more? What kind of overview would be useful? How would you do it? Give an overview saying “Why listening is important. Our objective is to become better listeners, and one way to do that, is to reflect back what we hear. Reflecting is an important part of listening, so let’s practice that.”

What would be the added value of that?

it would help me understand why I am participating in the call. what did I want to get out of it, at the end, I would know if I got that out of it.

Is there a flavor enhancer? Anything else that would make it better? No, that’s all. Just stating the purpose up front. The value again was that it reminded me of the value of reflecting back what’s been heard, & gave me the opportunity to practice that. Also, it was great to see others doing active listening.

Rosa Interviews Kelsey

Insight: The value of an overview.

Feedback: Having an overview which would say, “Why listening is important. Our objective is to become better listeners, and one way to do that, is to reflect back what we hear. Reflecting is an important part of listening, so let’s practice that.”

create a map - overview


    • feeling a bit lost or ungrounded


  • need for orientation

How might we inventory the different ways into different people’s hearts?.... and then, make offerings that fit each of them? …

    1. In-person workshops for technophobes - or/and keep current on the best in technology for this kind of platform

    2. To enlist competitive types: Create an orientation that includes the science and competitive edge of empathy


I Like... I like being a group of people who value empathy and want to bring it to the wider community

I Wish.. the video wasn’t so choppy

What if.. There were even better platforms for online learning with enhanced visual and audio