Andreas Kranzl

FaceBook: Andreas Kranzl



Learn about human centered design and how to apply it in my own environment, curious on the toolset of empathy circle, connect with like minded people working on social change.

Jacob interviews Andreas

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

Did you have any emotions while you were doing this exercise?

feeling a little stressed bringing inner thoughts to the listener in a language that’s not mother tongue; stressed with language issues.

listening and speaking, to formulate my thoughts into words,

When I spoke it was relaxing to me that I was understood.and that there was no need to add anymore.

at the beginning I felt I needed to understand it the first time.

got relaxed that there could be a correction afterwards so I got rid of the need to understand it correctly the first time.

how did you chose what to reflect?

if there was an explanation, I tried to come to the core and sum it up.

hear the whole piece of information, compress it in your mind

see what is behind what is spoken

sum up, a possibility I used f

reflected what the speaker didn’t mean?

Jacob Interviewee Name: Andreas

Insight: Initially Andreas felt stressed having to answer in English which is not his native language. Later he was able to reflect and convey his answers better.


  • Stress

  • Anxious


  1. effectiveness

  2. competenc


    • Move the felt-sense & mirroring exercise to the beginning

    • Invite people to tell a joke

    • Invite people to make mops and mows

    • Invite to share 1 personal story addressing a specific experience (e.g. first kiss)

    • Invite people to share what they feel ashamed for and ask others who shares this experience

    • Use google hangout effects

use effects while doing empathic listening


Intention: I am interested in moving on in the process of HCD, see how the empathy cicle has developed since the last meeting and learn a little bit more about the other team members, especially Sherry.

Empathy Circle

Andreas speaks to Sophie

what is alive in me now.

I am happy I am in the conference and that I could overcome the technical problems

had some worries about connecting. and about his audio,

had an interesting moment. it’s ok if it doesn’t work since we have another meeting next week.

felt sad that I could not participate in the music and the yoga exercise.

should I do the exercise or fix the computer exercise?

I was worried if the microphone would work. should I turn on the mic and test the computer,

finally I’m happy because everything is working

I feel heard it’s great

Sherry interviews Andreas

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

like the part when he spoke, for him it’s a good way to express all his inner movements, felt completely understood and it was great

I felt full absolutly understood by sophie.

Experience great because she was listening when I was talking

the emotions were still alive in myself and I could not focus to 100 % on the empathic listening of the others.

What would have helped you with the emotions so you could listen better?

Feelings calm down a bit would help.

others were doing the minutes and he could give it time and relax.


yes, when I could do the empathic listening I felt very comfortable with that.

Is there any rules that you make up about the empathy circle?

the rule that I saw, you will not turn into a conversation.

keep the focus on one person until they feel fully heard. it is keeping one person talking until they feel understood.

Do you make up that you can’t ask questions?

english is not the mother tongue - in this way good to ask questions if you do not understand something as a listener. Otherwise it’s not possible to give the other person the feeling to be understood.

Sherry Interviewee Andreas

Insight: Jumping in and out in the Empathy Circle and feeling frustrated


felt connection when he was heard by sophie?

had self acceptance.


    • worry

    • belonging


    • Connection

  • belonging

Andreas Interviewee Andreas

Insight: It’s ok to ask questions as the “listener” if you do not understand something properly e.g.

because of language reasons. Otherwise it’s not possible to give the talker the feeling that she or he is understood.


[ the reflection is a question]


    • Insecurance


    • Clarity

How might we select the right topic/question to foster engagement and connection?


  • Collect questions before and vote (like with the needs and problems or by systemic consensing)

  • Choose some topic from the global news (e.g. refugee situation from Syria)

  • Share a personell story of your life (when have you ever experienced this or that?)

  • Ask questions that allow people to introduce themselves so that we become more familiar with each other.

  • Ask for best practice examples



I enjoyed a lot today's meeting. Sharing my experiences when practicing empathic listening helped me a lot to see “failures” in a positive way. I feel happy that we managed this time in a relaxed way to reach this final meeting report of the human centered design process.


Learn more about the other participants and work through the whole HCD process within the given 3 hours of time.

Write one Empathy Circle launch question

Jacob interviews Andreas

What emotions do you experience during empathic listening?

when I listen I feel stress to understand everything that the other person says.

especially if the connection is bad.

if everything goes well, I feel happiness that the person feels understood.

Would a calmness of mind help with the listening?

yes, if my thoughts are silent it is easier to focus on the other person.

Were you able to have the calmness?

there were moments when the connection is fine,

it’s easier to focus,

After the initial stress, do you become calmer?

It is not just initial. it’s if everything is going well, I feel calmer.

If you are calm the listening improves? And at the end you are happy to hear that you are able to listen and you are happy.

even now hearing you sum up what I have said I feel happy.

You have a range of emotions?

stress to happiness - when done in a good way.

Jacob Interview Andreas

Insight: Andreas feels stressed when things don't go well. For instance the line connection is bad. If thing go well, he is calm and thus listens better. This in turn helps him feel better.

Feedback: Andreas would do better if not stressed.

failure is ok.



    • Stress


    • Calmness

    • acceptance


How Might We… develop a positive growth cycle of empathic listening?

    • Actually the course is a weekly growth cycle

    • Create an insights documents to sum up our learnings

    • Create a diagram where participants self evaluate and track their current empathic listening grade

    • Create a diagram where the other participants grade and track the empathic listening progress of each other

    • Encourage the person who talked to say that she or he doesn’t feel understood, if that’s the case.

    • so that learning is possible. (Positive culture for failure)