Angela Bennett


I will champion empathy tools and circles in my community as part of how we might design a more connected community locally and beyond.

Sherry interviews Angela

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

Overall it was very positive and interesting

retrospect could have benefitted from further preparation / clarity about the intention

I may have been less hung up on the confidentiality topic

I had no expectations

I can see how it can be a powerful approach.

What information would have helped you?

Consent in advance for live online internet versus closed group for this group only

Reviewing the process ahead of time.

Maybe entering prototype of the circle. clarity that this is a prototype. the intention is to practice the skill of reflection and fostering skills.

There is a safe container, it’s not an open for anything process; minimizes vulnerability and risk

Maybe be able to know this is about something to bring?

Awareness of live for internet; what impact does it have on my and others participation and the groups.

Is this ideal medium; would people opt into not live for recording process; i would?

What worked really well?

Edwin keeping us on track. is a strong presence

people coming together that don’t know each other.

people open to adventure, risk. this relates to HCD and that is why I am here.

Edwin had around, trusting, the confidence in having the space?

Realizing he is managing the process.

don’t have to think that someone shousl

someone in the role leading

Sherry: Interviewee Name: Angela

Insight: Might have benefited from doing more preparation and then might of been less hung up about the confidentiality


    • Anxious

    • Concern


    • competence


Technology Alternatives

(assumption in person not possible)

e.g. Phone In/Conference Line


Alternative to google hang out

Frame container up

Prep Communications

Emphasis on critical prep/issues like live internet recording ; maybe require in advance consent so everyone must have read and agreed (no surprises)

Where late arrival take time to re-introduce people to each other

Offer non-recorded option