2016-03-26 Intro HCD 8hr

Introduction to Human-Centered Design and Empathy: An Online Workshop

March 26 and April 2


You’re invited to learn about human-centered design in a two-day hands-on workshop. Using the process and tools developed by IDEO.org, this workshop will introduce you to human-centered design, get you out in the field, and help you prototype and test your ideas quickly. Also take a deep dive into learning how to deepen your empathy skills.

Our Design Challenge

How might we train people in empathy skills?

Workshop Agenda

Day 1: Saturday: March 26, 8 am PST



  • Frame Your Design Challenge Research

  • Create a Plan

  • Field Research

Day 2: Saturday: April 2, 8 am PST


  • Synthesis

  • Brainstorming

  • Prototyping

  • Field-Testing

  • Prototype Share Out


  • Implementation

  • Debrief and Reflection

Participants (Sign Up Here)

Send an email to EdwinRutsch@gmail.com that you would like to take part.

The workshop will be recorded to YouTube for educational purposes.

Receive a Certificate of Completion.

Each participant that completes the course receives a Certificate of Completion.

Confirmed Facilitators

  • Edwin Rutsch EdwinRutsch@gmail.com

  • Luiza Spiridon

  • Mila Aliana

Confirmed Participants The workshop is now Full.

    1. Manuel Barradas

    2. Pawel Porowski

    3. Mireille van Bremen

    4. Christel Broederlow

    5. Samira Ahmed

    6. x Lidia Matzek

    7. x Susanne Devlin

Workshops Dates

NOTE: This workshop and its facilitation team are not affiliated with or endorsed by IDEO.org.

Part 1: Saturday: March 26, 8 am PST (3 hours) (Times around the World)

First part of the workshop. We will meet for three hours and go up to the research phase. Participants will be able to research during the week. Hangout Event: Hangout url will be emailed to participants.

Part 2: Saturday: April 2, 8 am PST (5 hours)

Check List Instructions for Participants

1. Use good computer equipment:

  • use as large a screen and as powerful a computer as you can! (and the fastest Internet you can find)

  • a mouse will be best (especially with Mural)

  • an iPad may not work; best to avoid for this experience

  • have earbuds available in case of audio feedback.

  • try not to use WiFi but rather a direct connection for better and more reliable internet performance.

2. We use Google Hangouts On Air for Video Conferencing.

See How to use Google Hangouts

4. Before the Workshop - Create an account on Mural.ly

  • We will use the Mural platform for some of our design activities,.

  • We need participants emails, we will invite you to join Mural.

  • Participants will receive an invitation to a Mural room.

  • Before the workshop on the Mural page 1, create a introduction about yourself.

  • Play with the software to get familiar with it.

5. Watch this Introduction to MURAL

Participant Links

Pre and Post Workshop Survey

Google Doc for Interviews for the Workshop

Post interviews here.

Slide Deck on Google Slides

This is a copy of the 77 slides for the workshop.

Mural.ly Work Platform

Facilitators Links

Facilitators meet to plan the workshop.

Video Facilitators Meeting: Saturday, March 19, 9 am PST

Facilitators meet to plan the workshop.

Graphic Drawings by Mireille van Bremen

Prepare Your Research

Create a List of Interview Questions?

  • What are your needs for empathy?

  • What is your definition of empathy?

  • How does self-empathy enrich your life?

  • What might be the results if we do not have an empathetic approach?

  • What has been your experience with empathy training?

  • What tools or skills do you think are needed for someone to be empathetic?

  • How do you perceive empathy in your interactions? (or) How does empathy in interactions make you feel?

  • What motivates you to treat people the way you want to be treated?

  • What motivates you to learn about empathy?

  • How is empathy demonstrated in gestures and bodily language?

  • How could understanding empathy improve your relationships?


When considering who to talk to and learn from, seek out the voice of both extreme as well as mainstream users.

  • each other in class - workshp particpants.

  • Children

  • People who are in my Facebook page for Empathy

  • Highly Empathetic people

  • wife daughter

  • Ex-partners!

  • Radical people - on the right, skin heads, KKK, etc

    • Psychologist (niece)


Think of where you might go and what you might observe to get a fresh perspective. Consider learning from analogous experiences, too!

    • our family

    • At the work place for work team members

    • Workplace Team Leaders or Business Owners

    • Mosque, National party,

    • close friends

    • NCV trainers

    • tea party

    • Facebook

What are you curious to learn?

  • how childhood impacts empathy? relation between (i)maturity and empathy? brain vs heart in developing empathy

  • What keeps people from being empathic? What are sources of resistance?

  • How do you believe empathy could improve humanities global connection?

  • What are the unspoken things that made you realize what others felt in certain situations?

  • what is the underlying felt experience people values in empathy?

  • How self empathy skills support the trainer during a training in which you teach others about empathy.

  • Tell me about a time when you experienced a lack of empathy in a work situation?

  • How do you believe empathy could improve humanities global connection?

  • How can we teach others about empathy without them knowing it?

  • How are empathy, sympathy, apathy and compassion different?

  • Resistance against empathic development: self/ assumed vs societal/ involuntary?


Participant Feedback

Dearest Edwin, Luiza, Mila, Manual, Pawel, Mireille, Lidia and Samira,

I would just like to take a moment before crawling into bed (ponders if I will actually go to sleep after such a great night with you!), to thank everyone for organizing (Edwin), facilitating (Mila & Luiza) and participating, it was my absolute pleasure to experience HCD based around a topic core to my life and all that I do - Empathy.

I did not know what to expect and in return I got so much more than I could ever have imagined, I was continually blown away with the content, participation and potential outcomes, it truly was a remarkably rewarding whole experience, I have Goosebumps just writing that!

I must say the crash course in 2 workshops on using Google Hangouts, docs etc. was somewhat intimidating and frustrating (I could have used that app to get to a place of centredness!) yet gradually started to get the hang of it, clearly I need more active participation and practice so I can stop being caught up on how to use all the functions and actually feel connected to the entire learning and sharing process. I will be back with enthusiasm.

So very inspired by everyone, inspired by you Edwin, thank you from my heart, your work and devotion to Empathy really encourages me to apply and move forward in my own endeavours and I would dearly love to be more hands-on with what you do. Being able to converse and interact with a group of beautiful empathic people from all around the world with so much gift-giving, love and willingness to share is what will give all of us and future generations hope of a better world in which to live, nurture and enhance our humanness towards meaningfulness in what we do through empathy warms my soul.

My heartfelt gratitude to you all and ever so welcome to keep in touch with me, I would love that and may you all have a gorgeously fabulous weekend!

With love and gratitude and in Maori (from New Zealand) Aroha tino nui ki a koutou katoa (With the biggest of love to you all)

Christel Broederlow


More iterations would have given us an opportunity to go over the learnings of the workshop and this would, of course, get our teamwork progressively easier. Thank you for all the learning opportunities you gave me.

Manuel Barradas