
Mini Empathic Design Workshop

Date: Saturday, 9 am to 12 pm PDT


1. Edwin Rutsch

2. Herbert Haberl

3. Sonja Bobrowska

4. Kendra Davis

Final Summary

Kendra Davis

The workshop inspired a lot of great ideas, particularly around the idea that

  • 1) empathy is an ongoing skill that you can never "master" and

  • 2) empathy takes different forms.

Further, it became clear how much we need to treat intellectual empathy versus shared empathy differently, and that closing that gap is deeply important.

Kendra Davis

I am impressed how people who never met before could develop so much trust, ideas and engagement. I am thankful for Edwin guidance.

Sonja Bobrowska

I felt very good about having discovered what has always bugged me about the empathy circle — my inability to actually relate to anybody’s experience by just listening and reflecting back what they said. I wasn’t focused on how they truly felt but on what they said and what they thought. I was focused on understanding what they were trying to convey. I felt inspired about actually developing a tool that could address this problem. Reflecting back in a metaphor.

Edwin Rutsch

felt a bit rushed at the end. I really enjoyed the final design challenge of the bridging the gap of intellectual empathy and feeling.. If we can get into the feelings more, that will make the empathy circle much more engaging.

Google Event URL

Each hangout meeting has a google event page. This is the url to that page.

Hangout URL

click on the link at the time and you should enter the google hangout.

Supplies Needed

YouTube Video

Video of the workshop will be placed here after it's done

Design Workbook

Click on this link and it will open the meeting workbook as a google doc.

On arrival for the meeting, open the document and write you intention for the course and meeting on the first page.

Meeting Notes and Minutes

This shared document is for taking notes, minutes, documentation during the class meeting.

While people are doing the empathic listening, we can take notes about what has been said.

Also post any ideas, thoughts, suggestions, etc etc, as they come up.

Meeting Folder

Each meeting has a shared google folder were the material for that meeting can be uploaded. This includes manuals, photos, interviews, etc.

( ) Circle Question:

Share stories of when have you felt engagement and fun with empathy?

Or talk about what is alive for you in the moment?