4º ESO (English)


    1. What makes us worthy of respect? What makes us persons?

      1. The human being against other animal species and against machines. What makes us moral persons?

      2. Human Rights: its importance and content.

      3. Defense of the Human Rights.

    2. Values ​​for coexistence. How is the dignity of the people we live with respected?

      1. Values ​​and moral norms. What are they and what distinguishes them from other types of values ​​and norms?

      2. Coexistence and tolerance.

      3. Promotion and defense of rights in today's society.

    1. Values ​​and politics

      1. Justice as the supreme political value.

      2. Democracy and citizen values: participation, tolerance and respect for the law.

    1. Ethical theories:

      1. Utilitarianism: Hume, Bentham, Stuart Mill.

      2. Deontologism: Immanuel Kant.

      3. Discourse ethics: Jürgen Habermas.

      4. A theory of justice: John Rawls.

    1. Applied ethics

      1. Defense of human rights.

      2. Bioethics: dignified death, genetic selection.

      3. Animal rights, defense of the environment.

      4. Economic globalization and human rights.

Why study "Ethical Values"?

    • Don't we all already know what is good and what is bad? (Another thing is that we do it ... but knowing it we know). We can pass that exam with ease. Let's compare with other subjects: we study math or English because we come to school without knowing it.

    • Have we not learned morality in the family, from our friends, living in society? Morality is learned as part of our growth in society.