1º ESO (English)

Introduction to CIVIC EDUCATION


What are going to do in Ethical Values, (or Civic Education, as we may also call it)?

We may say that the course has two main topics: civic education and morality.

Let us introduce them with these videos:


Ethical Values or Religion?

What is the relation between Ethical Values and Religion?

    • The subjects or Religion (catholic religion) and Ethical Values are paired together, so they may have some common points. Which are the similarities?

    • You have to choose (and will have to choose in the following years) between these two subjects of, so they may be different. Which are the differences?

Working Method

How are we going to work in Ethical Values?

    • Daily exercises

      • Completed in the classroom and revised at the end of the unit.

    • An exam at the end of each unit

      • For those failing the exercices.
