28th Sales Break-through

28th February

Recently, I attended an informal gathering (regarding clients' appreciation session) for a free meal and networking session.

During that session, I shared with my Financial Advisor on the progress of Alpaca's business! She is a coffee lover who subscribed to our cold brew concentrate and shared critical feedback on how we can improve our business and sales pitch to boost sales.

This became an opportunity for me to share our new products with her clients (selective of the same age group), who may be Alpaca's potential customers!

Through the meal, I understood more on the demographics of her clients' pool, and had the opportunity to mingle and socialise with them to understand more on the policies and plans that they acquired.

In an attempt, I shared with them on the business that I am a part of (AlpacaBrewery) that serves customers quality cold brew at competitive prices! It was honestly nerve-wrecking initially as I felt trying to do sales in a given setting might not be ideal, but I thought to try and fail anyway. It is not as if I plan to make friends with them :P

Surprisingly, they were receptive to trying out the latte and the Oatly milk latte, given their "competitive price-point" and "convenience"

In that session, Alpaca's generated a sum of $67.00 with the following order list:

  • 3 mocha
  • 3 original cold brew
  • 2 concentrates
  • 2 oatly milk
  • 2 latte

Although the enjoyment to see the fruits of our labour, I will work with the production side on how we can optimise our efforts to meet demands. Logistic transport and delivery will also be discussed with the group.