1st Nov- Update

Expanding Connections

Establishing connections is an important aspect for any business development. My task for the previous week was to get in contact with a representative from Ntuitive, the entrepreneurial branch at NTU. After some research, I reached out to Brenda, the Assistant Manager for Enterprise development at Ntuitive.

On further discussion, she was willing to meet us to get to know more insights about our business and ways to discuss on further collaboration. Since, I was doing an internship this semester, Adnan and Gabriel met up with her on 25th October at 3pm. Below are some key points that helped us increase our scope of knowledge in terms of help:

  • Assistance for finding a venue
  • Grant available for research and development
  • Help in promotion through sponsorship

The next steps would be to follow up with Brenda and send a proposal for formal interaction. My next steps would be to continue working on the website. Moreoever, I will also be looking at other source of help in the business by looking for external help.

Moreover, the testing session during the exam period that we had planned is put on hold. This is because, the bottle shipment has been delayed.