21st January Progress

2nd Meeting with the Alpaca Brewers + Photoshoot

Today was the day where we made preparations for generation of organic content in our social media to kick-start our marketing efforts to reach out to existing customer pool and to attract prospective customers through instagram.

At this juncture, we have generated substantial customers' feedback on how we could improve the design our product, to improve its outlook, as well as to educate them on many ways to enjoy their caffeine experience. We have implemented comprehensive and aesthetically pleasing guidelines for our customers to explore the different tastes and notes of our concentrate.

We also worked together on improving our marketing efforts on our product - to have photos of our bottled concentrate in a complementing background, with sides such as cakes and pastries that would make a flavourful mix with our cold brew.

Moving forward, Leon and I discussed on how we would organise out B2B sales in the near future. For now, we understood that extensive research on a prospective company is necessary in order to determine how we can achieve sales from them. For example, companies typically do have a pantry that would minimally have caffeine beverages for employees to leverage on. As such, selling our cold brew concentrate to prospective companies may not be a practical idea given our pricing and the fact that cold brew may not seem as a need to them. Instead, we took note of events or talks that companies may organise, which from there, we may be able to provide a solution for them - to cater cold brew services during events / talks. Our analysis generated some of the prospective companies we have in mind(eg. NTUitive). On the other hand, we can also consider selling to distributing companies, such as convenience stores where cold brew concentrate are relatively foreign to them.

In the evening, Gabriel and I met up to update our sales sheets and discuss on how we can up-scale our logistics and production in time to come when the demand for our cold brew increases. From there, I took ownership of some of the production, so that our production can be more versatile to meet our customers' demands.