7th Dec Meetings

Meeting After Exams to update and plan

During the meeting , shared the problems face such as making procurement with ikea , problem of finding a kitchen to prepare our coffee and also place to sell our coffee .

  1. We had problem with Ikea as there were some technical issues on their back-end causing their stock to display wrong information. Due to the wrong information , we ended up purchasing the items online but has caused us to received the items 2 week late .
  2. We also has problem looking for a proper place to prepare our coffee as all the kitchens in school has strict policies that we had to meeting before we can use the their place.
  3. We also missed the exam period to market our coffee

After discussing with our supervisors we managed to had a few break through

  1. We plan to look for canteens drinks store to consign our coffee . this will act as an point of collection for our product . by doing so we can expose our product to the students in the canteen thus increasing sales , we also can market our product on the internet and use the location as a collection point .
    • To achieve this we need to liaise with drinks vendors and negotiate with them the price
  2. We can also look for store owners that has fridges to borrow their place to make our product.

Learning Point

Before this meeting we were having blocks but after this meeting it opens our mind to various solutions to solve the problem we are facing. We learned to maneuver and pivot whenever we meet problems using creative ways , aviable resources to solve our problem