11th Feb- The Google Sprint

Internal Event 1: Learning session

It was the event day. I was pretty nervous about my presentation. There were few questions that they wanted an answer to such as:

  • How did we get the funding for our business?
  • What motivated us to start Alpaca Brewery?
  • What is our Unique Selling Point?
  • How did we do our market research?
  • How to streamline what customers really want?
  • What is our business model like?
  • How do we actively reach out to the student community?
  • Our challenges that we faced
  • Our journey as a group

I presented to the best of my ability and shared my experiences and journey. I was excited to tell them about my motivating factors and what brought me there to pursue my minor in entrepreneurship. It was the first time, I was asked to share something from the speaker's perspectives and I felt great to be contributing to their product that was supported by The Business Times and Google. A completely different experience, I must say. All thanks to Alpaca and the amazing team.