20th February Facebook Revelation

20th February

Today, we had the opportunity to meet Mr Zhou to gain exposure and insights on digital marketing as well as the e-commerce industry.

Through his sharing session, we learnt on different pathways that are cost competitive in employing digital marketing strategies, such as websites generations as well as through familiar platforms such as Facebook. This would be beneficial for AlpacaBrewery, where we are generally prudent with our spending. He then dwell deeper into how facebook advertising works and shared with us on the right choices to make in optimizing our marketing efforts.

Her also shared with us some of common pitfalls that business owners make in digital marketing platforms, simply for the desperation for boost of sales. It was definitely beneficial for us to have a lookout in this area as our credentials and our market analysis are heavily dependent on the data generation and accumulation.

Mr Zhou is an entrepreneur himself and is focusing on his progress in his e-commerce business.