28th Jan - Sales

Sales Sales Sales

Me and Aditi are in charge of B2C sales.

We sold our first bottle on the 15th of January. My first sell was on the 16th. It felt really good.

Two of my friends were my first customers and they really liked the coffee! They put up instagram stories giving shout outs to ALpaca Brewery and me. I felt proud.

This generated a lot of buzz when other friends bought and they all gave us shout outs, not because we asked them to but because they really liked the coffee and wanted us to succeed.

A lot of acquaintances contacted me, started following our page. By engaging with them, I was able to convert a lot of them to customers. Its all about building the connection with the customer and in turn building the brand.

Me and Aditi have a healthy competition going on to see who can sell more bottles, stay tuned to find out who wins!!!