28th October - Update

Location sourcing

In the past few weeks I have been involved in figuring out the location for the production of the cold brew. I have reached out to Felicia from NTC and she directed me to email the Office of facilities and development management and they got back to me saying that they could not help us at all. I also reached out to ntuitive but didn't get such a great response. After that Aditi new Brenda and she helped to set up a meeting with Brenda. Me and Gabriel met Brenda on the 25th of October. we discussed with her our business plan and she gave us some input that intuitive would not be able to provide fridge space per se but they were looking towards integrating us somehow into their startup culture and maybe we could provide free coffee to the startups are there in the launch pad area. She told us that she would look more into it and see how she could help us. We will email her soon.

Gabriel reached out to the residential education program as well to see if they could help us secure a location for a kitchen where we could prepare the coffee. but unfortunately the RE program would need a certified chef with a few years experience to be present at all times.

Looks like securing location is going to be a big challenge.