2nd March | Macqueza Partnership

Macqueza Instagram Message

Macqueza Partnership

Something really exciting happened this week! We received a B2B partnership enquiry on Instagram by Macqueza, a make-up brand, to collaborate on their pop-up store at Robinsons, JEM.

As they are having a cafe-themed pop-up store, they have reached out to us to supply ready-to-drink cold brews for their customers. They are looking for us to supply 50-100 bottles per week and we are in the midst of discussing with them!

When I asked them what actually made them reach out to us, they mentioned that they were scouting for similar start-ups to do collaboration and Alpaca Brewery stood out because of our strong branding of supplying quality and affordable cold brew.

It's such an exciting beginning and we can't wait to bring the business to new heights!

Official email correspondence from Macqueza