7th Dec | Post-exam Meeting

Team Reflection

During the meeting we shared about the bumps we had along the road and how we could improve moving forwards.

Problem 1: IKEA shipment was delayed, causing us to miss our launch during exam period.

Problem 2: Production venue was still an issue as we could not secure any kitchens and facilities around school.

To tackle these problems, we needed to reorganise and come up with a new strategy. Taking the advice of our mentors, we decided to look into partnering up with canteen vendors to increase our sales channels. We went ahead and asked the pastry store vendor in Canteen 12 about the possibilities of accommodating our coffee in her store. However, we were rejected as she needed to go through the canteen owner who runs the drink store.

A potential issue that she mentioned was the competition that our product might pose to the drink store. As the drink store is already selling instant coffee, the canteen owner might not want to have us on board. Hence the chance of success might be quite low.