11th Dec Meeting Canteen Vendors

Meeting the Coffee Shop Vendors

Made a trip down to Canteen 13 to talk to the coffee shop vendor and also to source for available space for us to make and store coffee. I tried to look for the coffee store owner but could as their store attendant told us that he when overseas for holiday. So i have to wait till he came back . But i managed to get his number to contact him when he come back after holiday. i also went to the shop in the canteen to ask if they can allow us to use their space to do our stuff. i offered to pay but the owner doesn't seems interested so we had to look for other opportunity

After this trip down , i found out that the store owners doesn't seems to be interested to rent us their space. it looks like we need to plan for a better offer or understand why do they reject our offer. to tackle the issue . it is also challenging for me as its the find time i approach strangers to discuss stuff. it could be uncomfortable at times but i have to get us to it to discuss stuff properly. the process get better as i continue to ask other store owner . Its a good experience and i grow in terms of speaking.