TESDA IX trains ZC women evacuees on making novelty items

Post date: Apr 09, 2014 7:58:8 AM

Delia Sajiri, 45, an evacuee from Barangay Mariki, tries very hard to learn the skills in making novelty items like keychain. She said she attended the training to have money to “buy coffee and sugar.” Before the crisis broke out, Mrs. Sajiri used to sell fish and shrimps at the old public market.

Delia is just one of the 40 beneficiaries of the first batch of training on novelty items making. The training program started on September 27, 2013 as an offshoot of the meeting of DSWD and TESDA three days before. In the meeting, the DSWD, under its Cash for Work Program, committed to buy all the training outputs of the beneficiaries.

The skills training program aims to equip the women evacuees with skills in making bracelets, key chains, and coin purse using beads. The TESDA community-based trainers focused on teaching them simple novelty items to allow them to produce more and earn more.

Al-Rasdi Radjuli, a grade-seven student at the Arena Blanco National High School, has already finished 5 key chains and is inspired to make more to have extra money. He said he would train his siblings after the crisis.

Aside from this skills training, TESDA-IX also has been conducting training programs on massage therapy/reflexology and haircutting in partnership with the DSWD.