DSWD and TESDA ready skills training programs for women evacuees

Post date: Apr 09, 2014 7:57:12 AM

The partnership between the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)continues even after the implementation of the Cash for Training Program (C4TP).

DSWD Secretary Dinky Soliman and Assistant Secretary Camilo Gudmalin met with TESDA -IX OIC-Regional Director Lorenzo Macapili on September 24, 2113 to discuss possible livelihood projects for the evacuees. They agreed that skills training programs on novelty items making and matweaving would initially be implemented for women evacuees. Secretary Soliman said that the DSWD would buy all the training outputs of the beneficiaries to allow them to earn while in the evacuation centers.

The DSWD will put up a productivity center at the biggest evacuation center in Baliwasan Grandstand to house the trainees. A total of 200 women are estimated to benefit from these training programs.

Dir. Macapili said that other training programs in the pipeline include skills training programs on meat processing, fish processing, vegetable processing, and commercial cooking. These training programs, he said, aim to train the women evacuees and feed their children as well.