Dipolog School of Fisheries joins Olingan Centennial Celebration

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 7:33:24 AM

Despite the bad weather conditions, DSF took part in celebrating the 100-year Jamboree of Barangay Olingan, Dipolog City last Feb. 01, 2015 and joined the parade to express support for the Barangay Olingan society.

The celebration started with a parade at 7:00 am from Barangay Hall to AQUMATSH followed by a mass with Rev. Fr. Melvin Rey P. Ogoc, followed by the opening program with Hon. Ofelia G. Acis (Brgy Captain), together with the guests Hon Roberto Y. Uy (ZN Provincial Governor) and better half Hon. Evelyn T. Uy (Dipolog City Mayor) as well as Hon. Rosendo “DODOY” S. Labadlabad (Congressman, 2nd District ZN).

The most-awaited event of the celebrations was the search for the “Princess of 2015” with the theme “Pera sa Basura.” The theme instructed the use of garbage wherein all the contingents used recycled materials from trash and used it to beautify themselves as ornament of wealth

to justify in finding money from waste.

The Purok Opening Salvo astonished the crowd in the afternoon session. The presenters were Purok Palayan, Farmers and Morning Star, Purok Central, Sampaguita and D’Oro, Purok Ofisco, Parpagayo, Riverside and Purok Everlasting Manga, Laoy and Forever followed by Parlor Games being played to end the celebrations.

Press release from Dipolog School Fisheries