ROTC meets Tactical Inspection Team

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 8:30:21 AM

ROTC cadets assembled anxiously at Alberto Q. Ubay Memorial Agro-Tech Science High School grounds, Olingan, Dipolog City to face challenges of the Tactical Inspection Team with Army Reserve Commander Col. Rex C. Palma (9th Regional community Defense Group), 902nd ZDN Commander Community Defense Center Col. Ismael Mangonte (9RCDG, ARESCOM) and Col. Wilfedo D. Gom-os (DSF Commandant).

Tactical Inspection Team started with an open-forum at DSF Function Hall around 12 noon to facilitate needed documents for the whole duration of the inspection. Col. Ismael Mangonte presented the documents from the DSF history to its present improvements, from cadet’s status and to its population. This was done properly to conduct assessment and evaluation of the school’s overall achievements on DSF ROTC Group.

The formal opening program started with a short welcome remarks from Mrs. Julieta I. Aliman (Head, Tools Department), in behalf of the DSF Vocational School Administrator Rosella D. Darcera. She stressed out the importance of independence and responsibility in making a good leader by training in the ROTC.

Mr. Licinio G. Lanojan turned over the corps of cadets and officers to Col. Rex C. Palma, Chairman of the Evaluation Team and In-Charge of School Support/Participation of the 902nd CDC in behalf of the Vocational Instruction Supervisor I and National Service Training Program (NSTP) Coordinator Mr. Qurino S. Tamayo.

The two hundred twenty two officers and cadets showcased their coordination during the ceremonial parade, inspection in ranks and company drill. They also showed their intelligence and analytical skills during the military stakes. DSF Faculty, Staff, and students showed their support for the ROCTU by watching and applauding the corps during the drills.

Press release from Dipolog School of Fisheries