Dipolog School of Fisheries conducts Food Processing Enhancement and Assessment

Post date: Apr 22, 2015 1:13:54 AM

Dipolog School of Fisheries supervised Five (5) Faculty from ACES Polytechnic College, Panabu City on a four-day Food Processing Enhancement and Assessment Program NC II level last Jan. 26-29, 2015 at DSF Function Hall.

The 3-day enhancement (Jan. 26-28) including a 1-day assessment (Jan. 29) of Food Processing were administered by DSF Trainer Ms. Liza Lee and DSF Assessor Ms. Maribeth Fuerzas.

Chemny A. Camilo, Frank Kennette K. de la Pena, Viadney D. Garol, Francisco A. Guarno Jr., and Gemma D. Padasas, the beneficiaries of the said event, successfully passed the Food Processing Enhancement and Assessment NC II.

Certificates signed by the Vocational School Administrator III, Rosella D. Darcera, were given during the last day of training.

Press release from Dipolog School of Fisheries.