Macario grabs Gold Award during Nationwide Workshop

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 9:10:18 AM

Angelo C. Macario, Instructor I from Dipolog School of Fisheries grabbed Gold Medal award in “In-Country Program on Management, Promotion, and Conduct of TVET Technology Research” last April 6-10, 2015 at TESDA-NTTA (National TVET Trainers Academy), Marikina City, Philippines.

Out of thirty-nine (39) participants from the different Offices/TTI departments all over the Philippines, only 2 names outshined among all; Angelo C. Macario of Dipolog School of Fisheries- Region IX and Janette T. Ranesses of Lupon School of Fisheries- Region XI. They both received Gold Medal Awards from Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) for exemplary performance of various activities and output during the seminar/workshop in Inter-Governmental International Organization COLOMBO PLAN STAFF COLLEGE for Human Resources Development in Asia and the Pacific Region in collaboration with Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.

“I didn’t expect anything like this”, Macario uttered in an astonished voice during an interview with the DSF Magazine staff, “In fact I was so shocked about what happened and very grateful about it”.

Upon the completion of the program, the participants came up with the following outputs; TRDD- Action Plan on the Management of TVET Technology, ROs- Action Plan on the Promotion of TVET Technology Research, and TTIs- Research Proposal on the Conduct of TVET Technology research as one requirement of an APACC Accredited institution.

Press release from Dipolog School of Fisheries