12 Kaziranga NP

Kaziranga National Park, Assam

Kaziranga .... 430 Sq. kms of tall wild grass park and home to 1700+ one-horned Rhinoceros

25th January 2006 - I arrived in Guwahati and planned to go on to Kaziranga the next day. But on 26th January, India Republic Day, was a Bandh in Guwahati and I could not stir out of my Hotel Suradevi on MN Road the whole day.

On 27th January 06 at 7:15AM, I caught a bus going to Jorhat and hopped off at Kaziranga Village at 12:15PM. After some search for hotel decided to check-in at the Kaziranga Wildlife Society's (KWS) Guest House. It was a very pleasant place to stay, with moderately furnished double rooms (Rs 250 per day), that are let out when the Society's members are not in. It is near the Interpretation Center Cum Safari Jeep booking counters. Next to KWS-GH is a huge modern restaurant that serves hot Thali meals to the many passengers of private bus that stop here just for lunch and dinner.

The Great Indian (one-horned) Rhino - in Kaziranga, Assam

A wild Water Buffalo

A wild elephant bathing in river

Deer ..... plenty of them in Kaziranga

Elephant Safari in Pre-dawn Mist

Another Rhino

The Safari Boarding point and the Baby Elephant that was never more than 2 feet away from her mom's leg throughout the 2 hour safari walk!

A river flowing thru Kaziranga NP

The Safari Elephant's baby -- that followes mom everywhere

29th Jan - The pre-dawn safari of 20+ elephants set off in morning mist

The Bollywood actor Pooja Bhatt was also one of the Safari Riders, on 29th Jan 2006 morning! She drew a huge crowd of local fans at the Safari boarding point! She obliged them by posing with the elephants. In the melee, I too got a hasty (unfocussed) shot of her smiling face.

Sunrise as we start on Safari

I stayed in KWS, Kaziranga for three days - 27th, 28th & 29th Jan - and made several Jeep safari tours inside the Central & Westsern Ranges of the park. Those jeep tours were pretty rewarding trips, as we saw many wild animals and at least 10-12 Rhino sightings. On 29th Jan morning early at 6:00AM, in the predawn cold and mist, I went on a Elephant Safari. There were nearly 20 elephants, with about 80 passengers. The safari was the most awesome experience! ... as we saw many wild animals and Rhinos from close quarters of 10 -20 feet. The darkness and mist was not conducive to photo-taking but the direct live viewing of Rhinos and Deer from the elephant's back, was most thrilling.