9-А клас

29.04.2020 Тема уроку: Львів – Флоренція східної Європи. Робота з текстами та виконання післятекстових завдань

1.Пригадати вживання умовних речень І типу та пройти тестування за посиланням join.naurok.ua (код доступа 457532)

Увага!!! Тест доступний лише до 01 травня до 19.00 години. Не проходження тесту прирівнюється до здачі пустого аркуша на самостійній.

2. Сьогодні ми з Вами продовжимо подорожувати Україною та поговоримо про Львів.

Прочитати, перекласти та виконати завдання True or False


Lviv is one of the oldest and most fascinating cities of Ukraine, with long history, wonderful architecture, enchanting streets and a peculiar atmosphere of medieval romance. The heart of Western Ukraine, a specific frontier between the east and the west, Lviv is a perfect blend of the traditional and the modern that has something to offer to every traveller.

Lviv was founded in 1256 by King Danilo Halitskiy and named in honour of his son Lev. The city was under the rule of different empires and nations, which left a conciderable mark in its culture ,architecture and language.

True or false

1.Lviv is a young city.

2.It is the heart of Western Ukraine.

3.Lviv has nothing to offer visitors.

4.It was founded two centuries ago.

5.The city was named in honour of an animal.

6.Lviv was under the rule of Roman Empire.

3. Доповнити пропуски поданими словами (письмово) Увага!!! Всі завдання виконуємо в зошиті, після карантину я обов’язково перевірю їх наявність

Fill in the gaps.

Words: classicism, religious, monastery, churches, Cathedral

Lviv is a city of _(1)_______ variety, with a fascinating mixture of church building styles. There are over 60 _(2)______ in the city. The most beautiful ones are the Dominican church and the _(3)______known as Baroque church, the Church of Assumption of the Virgin Mary and St. George’s _(4)_______.

You can also visit the Armenian Cathedral with the 16-17th century tombstones and the Transfiguration Church built in the style of French _(5)______.

4. Прочитати вправу 2 с.226-227 (тільки Lviv – Florence of Eastern Europe) та скласти 5 запитань різного типу до тексту письмово.

04.05.2020 Тема уроку: Визначні місця Львову. Розвиток навичок читання

1. Прочитати та перекласти текст

Be sure to visit the Lviv National Art Gallery ,a leading art museum of Ukraine, which has over 60 thousands artworks of different European artists in its collection. The Lviv National Museum, one of the largest museums of Ukraine dedicated to Ukrainian culture also awaits its visitors. Here you can see icon-painting, folk sculpture and Ukrainian ethnic art .If you’d like to learn more about the medieval defensive system of the city, peep into the Gunpowder Tower and the Arsenal buildings. The now Former arsenal hosts the only museum of weapons in the country.

At the end of your tour you may want to visit the High Castle and enjoy the panoramic beauty of Lviv. It’s a nice place to get a view of the city and its suburbs.

So, if you want to feel the real atmosphere of Ukraine life, with its language, traditions and special Western mentality ,come to Lviv. The city which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List awaits you.

2. Виконати завдання до тексту

True or false :

1.The Lviv National Art Gallery is a leading folk museum of Ukraine.

2.The Lviv National Art Gallery has more than 60 hundreds artworks.

3.You can see icon-painting in the Lviv National Museum .

4.You can enjoy the panoramic beauty of Lviv from the hills.

5.At the end of the tour you can visit the High Castle.

6.The city was included in the UNESCO.

3. Прочитати текст вправи 2 с.227-228 (Sights of Lviv)

4. Виконати:

І група – написати листа другу з іншої країни, в якому ви запрошуєте відвідати Львів. Розповісти про це місто та його визначні місця. Увага!!! Не забуваємо про обсяг

ІІ група – скласти 5 запитань до тексту

Увага!!! Роботи мені надсилають: Сердюк Маргарита, Возняк Дар’я, Грибань Вікторія, Велесь Олександр, Смик Богдан. Роботи надіслати до 06.05.2020

06.05.2020 Тема уроку: Запрошуємо відвідати Львів. Розвиток навичок аудіювання

1.Переглянути відео за посиланням та виконати завдання https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phDYZo0yJCs

Video quiz questions

1) Fill the gap: It's ________________________ absolutely ______________________

2) Where is Lviv?

  1. in the south

  2. in the north

  3. in the west

  4. in the east

3) How does he go to Lviv?

Answer the question using your own words_______________________________________________

4) What landscape can you see?

Answer the question using your own words


5)Put the words in order: out in the Everyone squares. hanging


6)Fill the gap: So, there are ton of ________________________ a lot of ________________________

7) There are a lot of craft products because people are proud of their culture.

  1. true

  2. false

8)Fill the gap: You feel like you're ________________________ of someting big, like ________________________ of a great party.

9)Fill the gap: And ther's a ton of ________________________ in this city, there's ________________________ all over the place.

10) Is he in the center of the city?

Answer the question using your own words


11) Where are they?

Answer the question using your own words


12) Place in this cemetery was more expensive that a house in the city center?

  1. true

  2. false

13) What is that?

Answer the question using your own words

14) There are a lot of beggars and homeless in Lviv.

  1. true

  2. false

15) I haven't seen even one beggar, which is bizzare. What does 'bizzare' mean?

  1. fantastic

  2. strange

  3. incredible

16) What season is it?

Answer the question using your own words



Fill the gap: So many older couples ________________________ hands, ________________________ these streets and smiling.

18) How long has he been in Lviv?

Answer the question using your own words

19) Peter is highly impressed and his advice is ...

Answer the question using your own words


2. Підготувати усну розповідь про Львів

08.05.2020 Тема уроку: Визначні місця та пам’ятки України. Розвиток навичок читання

1.Прочитати та перекласти вправу 4

2. Використовуючи інформацію вправи 4, виконати вправу 6 (написати статтю для власного блогу про одне з визначних місць)

І група – 16 речень

ІІ група -10 речень

Увага!!! Роботи мені надсилають: Гулакова Лорелея, Лєготін Артем, Туріянський Андрій та Конончук Антон. Роботи надіслати до 11.05.2020

13.05.2020 Тема уроку: Розкажи мені про Україну

1. Пригадайте, що Ви знаєте про Україну, та виконайте вікторину


1. Ukraine is a large … country.

a) European;

b) Asian;

c) African.

2. The population of Ukraine is ….

a) more than 45 million people;

b) more than 58;

c) less than 4 million .

3. There are … in the South of Ukraine.

a) 4 seas;

b) 2 seas;

c) 3 seas.

4. What is the highest peak of the Carpathian Mountains?

a) Hoverla ;

b) Everest ;

c) Aconcagua.

5 . What is the deepest lake in Ukraine?

a) Lake Baikal ;

b) Lake Svityaz’ ;

c) Ahul’s’ke Lake.

6. What mineral resources isn’t our coutry rich in?

a) Oil ;

b) Gas ;

c) Coal.

7. What plant is the symbol of Ukraine?

a) A sunflower ;

b) A birch ;

c) A snowball tree.

8) Who was the first president of Ukraine?

a) L. Kuchma ;

b) V. Yushchenko ;

c ) L. Kravchuk.

2. Прочитати, перекласти текст


St. Sophia Cathedral was built during the reign of Prince Yaroslav to commemorate a great victory gained by the Kyivets over Pechenihy.

St. Sophia Cathedral suffered the destiny of many structures of Old Rus. It was ruined in 13 century during the Tatar invasion and underwent wars and religious strife of many times.

Metrpolitan Petro Mohyla restored the cathedral in 1633. During 17 – 18 centuries the cathedral acquired the architectural aspect which has come down to us . During this time an ensemble of buildings in the style of Ukrainian baroque was created around the cathedral.

The ancient mosaic decorations of the cathedral, which ornament the principle altar, the central dome and the arches are of unique value from the scientific and artistic points of view.

The arch of mosaic inlay work was widespread in Byzantium and further developed in Kyiv. The artists of 11 century created remarkable pictures.

Most of the ancient frescos were covered with latter oil paintings. As a result of research work the original frescos were discovered.

The portraists of the members of the family of Yaroslav the Wise: his wife Iryna and three daughters - Anna, Yelyzaveta, and Anastasia are of considerable interest too.Two figures of his young sons have been preserved on the opposite wall of the cathedral.

The image of Yaroslav the Wise painted on the western hall unfortunaly has not been preserved. T he frescos of the two starcase towers depict the life of Old Rus.

Also worthy of attention are the bronze gilded doors in the western wall with ornament of 17 century and the filigree carved iconostsis of 18 century.

The cathedral is of great cultural value for Ukrainian people . It has been declared to be a state monument- museum.

3. Прочитати речення. Визначити, які є вірними, а які хибними. Завдання виконати письмово

Mark true and false statesments.

1.St. Sophia of Kyiv was built to commemorate the Kyivans’ victory over the Polianians.

2. It was ruined many times during wars.

3.An ensemble of buildings in the Gothic style was created during 17 - 18 centuries.

4. The mosaic decorations of the cathedral are of unique value.

5. The artists of 11 century developed the art of mosaic inlay work.

6. The ancient frescos were hidden under later frescos.

7. The original frescos have not come down to us.

8. The image of Yaroslav the Wise was painted on the eastern wall.

9.The frescos of the towers depict the life of Old Rus.

10. The bronze gilded doors were in 18 century.

4. Виконати вправу 5. Пригадати вживання артиклів, та доповнити речення письмово

Увага!!! Вправу на перевірку надсилають Герасимова Анастасія, Калій Анна, Ігнатенко Карина. Вправу надіслати до 21.05.2020

15.05.2020 Тема уроку:Моє рідне місто

1. Прочитати та перекласти текст


Zolochiv is a beautiful town in Western Ukraine not far from Lviv. The population is about 24000 people. This town was founded 1427. It is one of the oldest towns in Western Ukraine. Zolochiv is famous for its castle which was built in 1671.

There is a Catholic temple in the centre of this city. There are also six churches in Zolochiv. They are very beautiful.

Every can find many monuments in this town , too. These are monuments to T. Shevchenko, M. Shashkevych , and V. Chornovil , a political leader of Ukraine.

This town is green and beautiful . There are many parks and squares in it. A lot of tourists visit this town. Welcome to Zolochiv.

2. Виконати вправу 3 с.84 (робочий зошит)

3. Використовуючи текст завдання 1, написати запрошення англійському другові відвідати твоє рідне місто. Приготувати програму екскурсії.

І група – 16 речень

ІІ група - 10 речень